Exam Results Helpline Adviser Shares His Top Tips On How You Can Prepare For...
A-level results day is a tough time for students anxiously awaiting their results and it’s best to be armed with as much information as possible. So take time to read up on the main options available...
View ArticleAngry Students Are Boycotting Tesco After Minimum Delivery Spend Raised To £40
Tesco recently announced customers would now have to spend £40 if they wanted to qualify for free delivery, instead of £25, and students really aren't happy. Although the company is reassuring its...
View ArticleCalais - Whose Problem?
Astonishing images have appeared on our TV screens in past weeks, whether it be broken security fences, lorries jammed in miles of "car-park traffic", or migrants attempting to climb into the back of...
View ArticleEd Miliband, Stop Sulking and Learn From the Climate Movement
It's no surprise that he's not in the most optimistic frame of mind. But when Labour's former leader spoke at Sandbag's relaunch a few weeks ago, his disappointment wasn't directed at the party's...
View ArticleJez We Can!
The right wing press (or the British media, its more formal name), have been panicking over the recent Corbyn-mania sweeping the left wing electorate, which places the veteran MP 20 percent ahead of...
View ArticleMaajid Nawaz, Identity Politics, and the Dangerous Search for the "Community...
The treatment of Maajid Nawaz by the Guardian (in contrast to its recently-published interview with the leader of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Britain) reveals a worrying trend in the British Left today, namely...
View ArticleLabour's Andy Burnham Pledges To Scrap Tuition Fees, Ban Unpaid Internships...
Andy Burnham, one of the MP's in the running to become Labour leader, is to pledge to scrap tuition fees, introduce a graduate tax and ban unpaid internships. The shadow health secretary is releasing a...
View ArticleLife Does Indeed Go On
People tell you that things happen for a reason, often when the situation lacks any reason at all. I've been thinking a lot recently about life and it's challenges. The way I see it is that you live,...
View ArticlePuerile Patriotism and its Punitive Price
I'm going to make a shock confession here, something that will make the older generation grimace, the Tories gasp, the Kippers rage and just about anyone else go misty-eyed with astonishment; I don't...
View ArticleRise In The Number Of Students Sitting Traditional Subjects For GCSE and...
Traditional academic subjects have seen a rise in A-level and GCSE popularity this summer, with maths, English and the sciences having significantly increased in exam entries, according to a...
View ArticleSex Toys And Porn: One Teacher's Controversial Sex Ed Classes In A Lancashire...
The UN Goodwill Ambassador for sexual health has taken a rather progressive approach in her deliverance of a sex education class in a Lancashire school. In a documentary to be aired on Channel 4...
View Article20 Books Every Teen Should Read
You never have so many hours to while away as you do in your teenage years. Naturally, we'd all rather spend them reading than playing Call of Duty, right? Thought so. As the number of books out there...
View ArticleA-Level Results Day: Top Tips And Advice On The Clearing Process
Choosing a university course can be difficult, but for students going through Clearing who often haven’t even visited the university or college it’s an even bigger decision. Careers Adviser Nick Hynes...
View Article#DareToDream - Shaping the Future of London
One of the best things about being young is the feeling of limitless possibility. One of the worst is feeling that the things you want most are out of reach. Both are important spurs to change things...
View ArticleI Am a Labour Supporter in No Way, Shape or Form, but I'd Vote Corbyn
I had the chance to meet with Jeremy Corbyn around the end of June at the hustings in Nottingham, to conduct a brief interview for my blog. He offered me a coffee as we walked into one of the meeting...
View ArticleCould You Pass A Sex GCSE Exam Made For Teenagers?
Belgian sexologist Goedele Liekens is raising some eyebrows in a school in Lancashire, after the UN Goodwill ambassador for sexual health took over a class to teach sex education. The experiment, which...
View ArticleStudent Rebecca Pick Invents GPS Rape Alarm Which Tells Police Exact Location...
A student has invented a new GPS rape alarm which can tell police the exact location of the victim, and is small enough to be clipped to a bra strap. Rebecca Pick was driven to invent the Personal...
View ArticleWhat Have The Labour Leadership Candidates Got To Offer Young People?
The Labour leadership debate is coming to head, with ballot papers to be sent out on August 14, while the four candidates have been throwing their political rhetoric around in the bid to gather a...
View ArticleWhat Are the Conservatives Doing for Young People?
To mark 100 days of the first Conservative government in nearly 20 years, HuffPost UK is running 100 Days of Dave, a special series of blog posts from grassroots campaigners to government ministers,...
View ArticleUniversity Promises To Refund Students Tuition Fees If They Don't Find Work...
A university has promised students who are not in employment within nine months of graduating will be entitled to a refund of half their tuition fees. The University of Law (ULaw) in Guildford has...
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