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Jez We Can!

The right wing press (or the British media, its more formal name), have been panicking over the recent Corbyn-mania sweeping the left wing electorate, which places the veteran MP 20 percent ahead of Yvette Cooper, 22% over once-favourite Burnham, leaving Tory darling Liz Kendall on a paltry 14%. Corbyn's rallies around England are of a previous unseen size, culminating in his inspiring London speech on Monday. Corbynmania is truly sweeping the left wing electorate, dismissing notions that Labour need to be more central to stand a chance in the election.

But... why? Why has 'Jez' Corbyn managed to reinvigorate the spirit of the left? Dan Hodges of the Telegraph, who has recently called the Labour Party "finished" and possessing a "lunatic wing", appears rattled by the support JC is receiving, and the creation of 'The army of the New Left'.

The primary reason is that he provides a true alternative. He is NOT Tory-lite (even Andy Burnham is tilting towards the centre of the spectrum). Jeremy Corbyn provides real alternatives to the current ideas that we consider to be 'normal'. Neoliberalism is not centre ground, it is not traditionally mainstream, rather radically right wing - however, the mainstream media thinking compounded with 'modern' Economics teaching have now rendered our current flawed Economic system as the most decorated. Corbyn's 'radical' ideas of nationalisation of our traditional public services are supported at over 50% in all parties, including the Conservatives. Corbyn, according to www.jeremyforlabour.com, wants a ' lower welfare bill through investment and growth, not squeezing the least well-off and cuts to child tax credits.' - simply, the idea that austerity is the only option to cut the deficit is absolute nonsense, made moreso obvious when you realise that the deficit has doubled since 2010. Without trying to rant about austerity here (see Max Keiser for that), Corbyn's policy of 'Gowth, not austerity' is appealing to many working families who have been hit hard with cuts recently, and a potential scare to billionaires whose pockets have been lined due to privatisation. Corbyn prioritises social and economic equality in society, rather than the oligarchy we are transitioning towards.

He has also served his constituency admirably. Having been MP for Islington North for 32 years and counting, the notion that he is 'unelectable' is itself laughable.

Thirdly, He's not Ed Miliband. Now, don't get me wrong - I was a massive fan of Ed, and jumped right on the #milifandom bandwagon. However, it was too easy for the press to smear Miliband - up till May this year, days before the election, the unelectable, backstabbing, unable-to-eat-a-bacon-sandwich Miliband was portrayed. Corbyn, on the other hand, is respected by MPs of all parties, and generally carries and conducts himself very sensibly.

So while Yvette and Liz appear to be right-of-centre, why should one vote for Corbyn ahead of the initial favourite Burnham? The simple reason; sincerity. Burnham's sudden change to left of centre after Corbyn began making headlines was rather bizarre. Simply, Corbyn has been campaigning for his leadership promises for over 30 years, while Burnham is too swayed by public opinion.

Corbyn also appears to be one of the few remaining MPs who has a degree of compassion. Chair of the Stop The War coalition, thus playing a key role in organising one of the UK's biggest ever protests, he has recently campaigned, one of only 12 Labour MPs, for the Chilcot report to be released about the illegal war. Unsurprisingly, he voted against the unwise proposition to bomb Syria in 2011. Closer to home, His view on Calais is also refreshing - he wishes to "approach it on the basis that we're all human beings on one planet", rather than, as Cameron did, treating the migrants as a "Swarm." Corbyn was also the only Leadership candidate to vote against the Welfare Bill, which reflected the difference between himself and the overbearing 'New Labour'. More than Miliband, Corbyn is a throwaback to what Labour was built on - democratic socialism.

The magnitude of Corbyn's impact, should we wake up in September to hear his name being announced as Labour leader, is predicted to be monumental. Despite murmurs that a coup is planned by Labour MPs, Corbyn's potential election as Leader would shake up the political Establishment and bring back some much needed humanity into politics.

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