Time to Open Up Politics
Have you ever dreamed of working in politics but never had the chance? If so, this could be the opportunity you've been looking for. As someone who didn't enter Parliament via a traditional route, I've...
View ArticleAlton Towers Victim Leah Washington Bravely Shows Off Scars In First TV...
Alton Towers crash victim Leah Washington has appeared in her first TV interview describing her horrific accident on the Smiler rollercoaster and the "overwhelming" support she has received since. The...
View ArticleUS President - Barack Obama's Impact on African Youth
In July 2015, US President Barack Obama became the first sitting President to visit the Horn of Africa, as well as Kenya, his father's place of birth. Obama was also the first US President to speak to...
View ArticleI Voted Tory and I Want a Strong Labour Party
I voted Blue and I want to see Red. I want to see red with Tory policies I disagree with, namely fox hunting and the exclusion of under-25s from the Living Wage. I do not want to be a "yes woman" and...
View ArticleIs Greater Accountability the Answer?
With this weeks announced closure of 'Kids Company', I'm left wondering what can be put in place to help prevent harm to vulnerable young people when services they rely upon heavily have to close with...
View ArticleCameron Is a Fraud, Featherstone is the Hero!
There are plenty of reasons for students of De Montfort University, like myself, to be proud. Up until a couple of years ago, DMU was barely on the higher education map, until mass investment...
View ArticleYoung People Have Never Mattered More Than They Do Today
For me being politically engaged is incredibly important. I come from a country where the majority of the population are below the age of 54, according to the World Bank. With approximately 1.5 million...
View ArticleJordan Blackburn Hospitalised After Taking Drugs At Music Festival Shares...
A young man who was hospitalised after taking drugs at a music festival has shared a picture of himself in a coma in order to warn others of the dangers of substance abuse. Jordan Blackburn, a...
View ArticleFive Sentences That Sum Up Winning Against Coal
Last Wednesday I went to Wales. Not for a typically British summer holiday (although we were all wearing waterproofs), but at the invitation of local campaigners of the United Valleys Action Group on...
View ArticleAre Exam Results the 'B' All and End All?
I remember getting my A-level results as if it was yesterday. I had always been an overachiever in school, pushing myself harder and harder to do well. It earned me the label, 'geek' and 'swot' but I...
View ArticleMy Experience in Calais' Refugee Camp - The Jungle
I've been thinking all day about how I can find the words for what we experienced last week. An hours drive from my house, then half an hour on the Eurotunnel, and we were in the world's worst refugee...
View ArticleJudge Condemns The 69 'Sick' People Who Liked Teen's Post Bragging About...
The 69 people who "liked" a teenager's Facebook post which bragged about knifing his teacher in a racially motivated attack have been condemned by a judge as "sick". Vincent Uzomah, a supply teacher at...
View ArticleStudent Emails His Professor, Drunk. Professor Emails Back Incredible Response
We've all been there: you've had one tipple too many and you think it's the best idea in the world to send that brutally honest message to someone you don't actually even know that well. Patrick...
View ArticleTaylor Swift Gives Fan Advice On Tumblr About Starting School
Taylor Swift has reached out to a fan over Tumblr, offering advice on conquering fears of school starting again. The fan, Stormie, posted on her Tumblr account: "I’ve been feeling so alone lately and...
View ArticleSixth Form Colleges On 'Starvation Rations' And Forced To Axe Science...
Sixth form colleges are fearing for their futures after government cuts have forced them to axe science and foreign language courses and left them on "starvation rations", a report has revealed. Almost...
View ArticleMexican Pre Med Student Takes Smiling Selfie Next To Dying Patient And May Be...
A pre-med student may be removed from her course after taking a smiling selfie next to a dying patient. Maria Jose Gonzalez, interning at a medical faculty operated by Universidad del Valle de México,...
View ArticleHere's Everything You Need To Know About Adjustment In Time For A-Level...
With A-level results day looming on August 13, it's important you know about every avenue on offer. It's not just the students who don't make the grades who have to re-think their options; students who...
View ArticleStudent Forgets To Plug In His Headphones While Watching Porn In A Lecture
This student decided to watch an "adult film" during one of his lectures for some reason. Sadly, he forgot to plug in those expensive noise-cancelling headphones on his head, so the naughty sounds...
View ArticleWhat is Archaeology and Anthropology to Our Young People?
The UK is a country which is stepped in social and cultural history. From Stonehenge to the Tower of London, the country is a dreamland for anyone wishing to analysing how past societies lived and what...
View ArticleApplying To University After Receiving Results Would Be 'Fairer And More...
Students should apply for university after they know their results, former higher education minister Bill Rammell has said. The former Labour minister argues a “post-qualification application” would be...
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