Don't Get Swept Up in the University Frenzy, It's Not for Everyone
Thinking back to when I did my exams, the feeling of dread and worry comes flooding back. I found them unnecessarily stressful and got really frustrated because I think that exams are such a limited...
View ArticleWhy British Students Need the EU
It was a major issue in the run-up to the 2015 general election. We all saw politicians ducking and dodging away from the political grenade that is Britain's future in the EU (or, in Nigel Farage's...
View ArticleYouth Clubs: Helping Young People Find their Voice
Habiba Akhter at the computer centre. Photo credit: Allison Joyce for VSO As a Media Officer with the development charity VSO I recently had the opportunity to visit a youth club in Bangladesh. I...
View ArticleTravel Is..: What I Experienced On My Solo Quest To Southeast Asia.
The world has always fascinated me. There are so many destinations to discover and it's merely possible to see them all. There came a time when I got bored of the same daily routine. Nothing excited...
View ArticlePhilip Hammond's Comments on Migrants Risk Legitimising Xenophobia in the UK
On Sunday, the UK's foreign secretary Philip Hammond spoke candidly on the Calais situation, and more generally Europe's 'migrant crisis'. In a series of comments made in Singapore, he decried a...
View ArticleIt's International #YouthDay: Here Are 15 Young People Changing The World
International Youth Day isn't just another corporate fad dreamt up to make money and persuade you to buy an overpriced card; it's an official day on August 12 which is recognised by the United Nations....
View Article9 Things You Should Know Before Going Through The University Clearing Process
As if sitting A-level exams and waiting half the summer for results wasn't stressful enough, some of you may find that come August 13, your grades are not what you were hoping for. With 1 in 10...
View ArticleRadical Change to EU Regulations Could End Tampon Tax - Period!
Sexism, elitism and blissful ignorance are three founding principles that underlie our tax system. However, the EU could help to stop this. While we are currently taxed for the 'luxury' of buying...
View ArticleTop Students Should Not Go To Oxbridge - As It Stifles Creativity, Says Royal...
Students with top exam groups should stick two fingers up at Russell Group universities - including Oxford and Cambridge - as they stifle creativity and innovation, the Royal Society of Arts' chief...
View ArticleHere Are The Issues Today's Young People Are Facing #YouthDay
It's international Youth Day on Wednesday, prompting hundreds of thousands of young people to celebrate the work they are contributing to make society a better one to live in. However there is still...
View ArticleCambridge University's Access Efforts Dealt Another Blow
 In a recent article in the Huffington Post blog community a Cambridge alumnus wrote this piece, criticising the "tyranny of tradition at institutions like Oxford and Cambridge". Although the...
View ArticleWhy Kim Kardashian Is Good For Feminism
Whether or not Kim Kardashian calls herself a feminist has been a hotly debated topic for a long time now. Half of the people commenting online are frustrated that she refuses to actively say 'I am a...
View ArticleLabour Needs to Unite the Broad Church, Not Allow It to Crumble
I'm Lewis Parker and I oppose this current Tory government. I want to see a society where, regardless of your class, gender, social background or sexual preference, you have the same opportunities as...
View ArticleA-Level Results Day 2015: Top Grades Are Down - But Number Of Students...
The proportion of top A-level grades awarded this year has fallen slightly, while the numbers of students accepted onto university courses has risen, after the student numbers cap was lifted. A* and A...
View Article'Every Good Deed is an Act of Charity'
The word Kamal is of Arabic origin. It has many meanings, but all give a sense of 'completeness' - that is, a person or quality that is complete in nature. In this obituary I would like to share a few...
View ArticleThe Five Fs to Remember When Facing 'Failure'
There are tons of blog articles and quotes in the social media sphere these days reminding us of the old adage that 'failure is a part of life' or that 'if you aren't failing - you probably aren't...
View ArticleYouth in Action - A Success Story From Burkina Faso
This blog is by Cheick Faycal Traore, a One Young World Ambassador for Burkina Faso. He has recently been appointed as The Special Envoy for Youth Inclusion in the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda and...
View ArticleClothing Company HYPE Is Offering 50% Off If You Flopped Your A-Levels
If you didn't get the A-level results you needed then fear not, at least you can still look good. That's what one clothing company is banking on, anyway, after announcing it would be offering 50% off...
View ArticleA-Level Results Day 2015: Students Shun Jumping For Subtle Celebrations
Thousands have shared their A-Level results day photographs across social media, highlighting an interesting development: the ubiquitous image of students jumping for joy whilst clutching their results...
View ArticleHomeless Pupil Gets Straight A*s - And Wins A Place At Cambridge - After...
A homeless pupil has achieved four A*s and won a place to study law at Cambridge University after spending 12 hours a day in his sixth-form library. Jacob Lewis, a 22-year-old from Cardiff, could...
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