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#DareToDream - Shaping the Future of London

One of the best things about being young is the feeling of limitless possibility. One of the worst is feeling that the things you want most are out of reach. Both are important spurs to change things for the better. And that's the thinking behind #DareToDream - a digital platform aimed at engaging young people to help shape the future of London.

At the launch of the project this week I met Edith Whitehead, a young woman whose passion in ensuring an equally representative society was incredibly inspiring. Edith has worked tirelessly to get people signed up to vote and get young people involved in decision-making in their local area.

London should offer Edith and thousands like her, those born here and those who join this city, opportunity and support.

Stories like Edith's remind me why I am in politics. Witnessing her enthusiasm to make a change inspires me to continue doing what I do. I came into politics to improve people's lives - and with the upcoming Mayoral election, Londoners have a real opportunity to get involved and make a difference to the future of our city.

We now live in a digital democracy - and #DareToDream offers the chance for young people to get politically engaged through social media. The project will offer more opportunities for young Londoners to imagine and plan what a future London should look like and feel like. I want as many Londoners as possible to have a say in our city's future. If decisions are done to people or for people, they are less successful than when we make them together. That's what #DaretoDream is all about.

Listening to concerns from all corners of London at the launch made me all the more certain that London needs a Mayor that has practical solutions to tackle inequality. And giving Londoners of every age, gender, faith and race a voice is a practical way to do it. That's why I'm running to be Labour's candidate for London's Mayoral election.

London is currently not working for young Londoners. Too many people spend around half of their monthly income on rent. As Mayor, I will create a London Living Rent to help young Londoners.

Travel costs to work or university are often too much for many young people. I will freeze tube and train fares for four years. It is vital that young Londoners have a chance to flourish and have a secure place and role in our community. I will create jobs and fight for a Living Wage for all Londoners.

With more and more young people being unfairly priced out of London - there could not be a better time to take a stand and get involved to make a change. I am a Londoner born and bred: it made me who I am today - from growing up in a council flat in Tooting to becoming a lawyer to becoming an MP and now standing for Mayor. I want all young Londoners to have the same opportunities that I was offered to fulfil their potential.

You don't need to be a Labour member to have a vote in the Mayoral election. However, to vote for me to be Labour's candidate for Mayor, you need to be a Registered Supporter. For a one off payment of £3 to the party you can vote for Labour's next Leader, Deputy Leader and London mayoral candidate. All you need to do is text 'LABOUR' to 78555.

I want all Londoners to be able to make the best of this great city. Get involved using #DareToDream and follow @DareToDreamLDN on Twitter! Let's change London together.

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