WIN Two Tickets To Standon Calling RRP £238, Featuring Public Enemy, Maximo...
Maximo Park, Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls and Public Enemy headline Standon Calling 2014, taking place 1-3rd August in Hertfordshire. A self-styled overgrown house party with a hedonistic mix...
View ArticleA Female Perspective: Why It Sucks to Live With One
So many people complain about living with guys, and I'm totally on their side - I mean, the number one thing that ticks me off is when guys leave the toilet seat up. Plus, they seem incapable of...
View ArticlePolar Bear Which Mauled Schoolboy Horatio Chapple To Death Was 'Probably...
The polar bear which mauled a 17-year-old schoolboy to death was elderly and had been suffering from worn-down teeth which would have led to it becoming stressed and behaving more "aggressively and...
View ArticleStudents - Protect Yourselves Against Meningitis
Meningitis is the inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord, and septicaemia is the blood poisoning form of the disease. Most people have heard of it, but few really know the facts....
View ArticleHijabs: University's Last Taboo? Muslim Students On Stereotyping And...
University has long had a reputation for being a diverse and tolerant environment, but when it comes to religious wear, and particularly the hijab, stereotyping and stigma are still prevalent on...
View ArticleLeeds Metropolitan University Lecturer Gets Semi-Naked For Sales And...
Teachers and lecturers will use a variety of methods to keep their students' attention but stripping down to your pants is a new one on us. It didn't stop Leeds Metropolitan University’s Ian Lamond...
View ArticleMr. Miliband: Pleasant Presentations Won't Make Pragmatic Policies
I attended the Inclusive Prosperity Conference at the Science Museum this week which was chaired by Ed Balls MP and the keynote speaker was Ed Miliband, the leader of the Labour Party and a possible...
View ArticleDruid Britain and the New Erasmus Stats
On a day that saw the Daily Express un-ironically ask its readers to text whether ALL migration to the UK should be stopped, new statistics about the uptake of the EU Erasmus programme, providing...
View ArticleMarijuana - Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover
The drug cannabis is widely used these days and considered a dangerous drug. But is it really a dangerous drug? Recently I've been reading a book called the Marijuana Chronicles. Whilst reading through...
View ArticleIf I'd Known Then What I Know Now - Four Essential Considerations for Any...
If watching Silk or Law & Order has sparked an interest in studying law, then great! We all get inspired in different ways. But such a spark shouldn't be used in isolation. Many other factors must...
View ArticleEurope Needs Smarter Investment in Education and Research Infrastructure
2014 is a landmark for the EU with the recent European Parliament elections, and appointment of a new Commission President. With economic recovery underway, there is opportunity to reignite growth,...
View ArticleWhat Movie Trailers and Strip Teasing Should Have In Common
Now, I want you, if you'd be so kind, to spend the next 3 and a bit minutes watching the trailer below for the upcoming Rom-com 'What If', starring Daniel Radcliffe, to be released in UK on August...
View ArticleWhy the Tour de France Has Proved We Are Selfie-Obsessed
No one who's ever repeated the mantra 'life is not a spectator sport' could have predicted the scenes which have been playing out during this year's Tour de France. While some cycling fans were content...
View ArticleThousands More Women Than Men Apply For University Places
Nearly 100,000 more women than men have applied for university places this year - a 30% increase. UCAS, which recorded the applications amid concerns over the growing gender gap in higher education,...
View ArticleGay Student Cut Off By Parents, Asks For Donations To Fund Education
A US student was cut off by her parents for her sexuality, and is now resorting to donations to pay for university. Nineteen-year-old Kate Koenig's parents cut her off after discovering that she is...
View ArticleCambridge University Students Leave Chocolate In A Library Book For Exam Stress
Cambridge students have been hiding chocolate around the library for their peers to enjoy during exams. A student at the university's all-female Newnham College found chocolate bars hidden in a...
View ArticleOur Confusing Engagement With the House of Windsor
Once upon a time there was a Queen and a nation of reverent subjects. No, this isn't a history lesson or even a fantasy novel, this is a description of our nation for much of its history since our...
View ArticleWhy the Tories Have to Go in 2015
Every single time an aggressive campaign of privatisation and deregulation has been embarked upon by a country, poverty and inequality have quite literally exploded. The Tory government have the...
View ArticleThe Unions Fight is Our Fight
We can give our kids a day off to celebrate the coronation of an unelected head of state none of us have ever met, but far be it for us to have them out of the classroom in the name of better working...
View ArticleThree Things I've Learnt as an Ex-Cancer Patient
The best pieces of advice vary for me. The ones that I hear most frequently and forcefully are the ones I give myself the morning after a gin night out. I can no longer ignore the correlation between...
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