Guidance for The Naive Undergraduate - Part Seven: Have You Considered...
Whilst you are at university you will have money, you will then spend said money and whilst still at university you will suddenly find yourself poor. It is at this point that you may wish to seek...
View ArticleAs the Islamic State's Threat Grows, Israel and Jordan Seek Security Ties
A recent withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Turaibil, the only legal border crossing between Jordan and Iraq, has created a shaky security situation. It is Jordan, on Israel's east and Iraq's west, that...
View ArticleMiliband to the Rescue?
Ed Miliband is absolutely spot on with his proposal to introduce technical degrees. Whether or not there really exists a 'forgotten 50%' is up for debate and most likely depends on which figures you...
View ArticleTatler Editor Kate Reardon Tells Schoolgirls: Politeness Is More Important...
Forget working hard for your A-levels and getting further qualifications, and instead just be polite, the editor of high-end lifestyle magazine Tatler has told schoolgirls. Kate Reardon instructed the...
View Article'The Little Red School Book': Sex Book Banned In 1969 Has Been Republished
Although in 2014 sex education is far from perfect, it's undeniable that teaching youngsters about the birds and the bees has come a long way since the 1960s. A sex manual for teenagers that was banned...
View ArticleAirport Security Measures: Everything You Need To Know About New Restrictions
A request from the United States calling on a selection of overseas airports to implement even stricter security measures has caused confusion among UK travellers — just in time for peak holiday...
View ArticleThe London Student, Europe's Biggest Student Paper, Will Be Shut Down By...
Europe's largest student paper is to be closed down by its own university, the University of London, over financial concerns, despite the funding needed to keep the paper alive amounting to less than...
View ArticleChild Abuse, Cover-Ups and Public Schools
So the NSPCC has finally had a change of heart and backed calls for the criminal law to confront those who fail to report evidence of child abuse. Intriguingly, public schools are included in the list...
View ArticleUCLan Students: Rumes' Bounce By The Ounce Night In Preston Is Either The...
When a small nightclub in Preston, likely unknown to anyone who lived outside the PR postcode, released a promotional video for its new night Bounce by the Ounce, it probably didn't think it'd become...
View ArticleCollege Student Accidentally Sexts Dad, Live Tweets The Aftermath
An American woman has become an instant internet celebrity after she accidentally sent her father a naked picture - and live-tweeted the aftermath. College student Nyjah, akja @dearfashionn, said she...
View ArticleNo, I Don't Want to Feel Your Flaccid Penis Against My Backside
A couple of months ago, I was sexually assaulted. Let me set the scene for you: It's a May evening, it's still bright out, but it's raining so no one's really hanging around the streets. I was waiting...
View ArticleStudents Are Not Disengaged - Politics Is
18-24 year olds have consistently the lowest voting turn-outs, and thus are the forgotten demographic when it comes to government policy. But are students really that disinterested - or does the blame...
View ArticlePolar Bear Paw Print Found Just Days Prior To Deadly Attack On British Schoolboy
WARNING: Some readers may find an image in this article distressing A 17-year-old schoolboy mauled to death by a polar bear during an adventure holiday had found a paw print just two days prior to the...
View ArticlePublic Sector Strikes: 200,000 Teachers To Stage One-Day Walkout Over Pay And...
Children across England and Wales are waking up to disruption as teachers stage a one-day walkout in a ongoing row over pay, pensions and working conditions. Members of the National Union of Teachers...
View ArticleOne Direction's Louis Tomlinson at Manchester University For Girlfriend's...
The way she flips her mortarboard obviously has him overwhelmed: the adorable One Direction star made a secretive appearance at Manchester University to watch his girlfriend Eleanor Calder graduate....
View ArticleThe Worst, Funniest Exam Answers Of 2014: 'The Ozone Layer Hole Was Made By...
If failing your exam wasn't horrible enough, now you've got the fear of your questionable answers being published to the world. Yep, it's that time again - the Times Higher Education magazine is...
View ArticleSchool Teacher Martyne Airey Faces Jail For Tickling And Sniffing Pupils' Feet
A primary school teacher has pleaded guilty to eight counts of sexual activity with a child under 13 after he was caught sniffing and tickling pupils' feet. Martyne Airey, a 51-year-old from Blackburn...
View ArticleBuilding Better Bridges Between Employers and Business Schools
A new paper from the UKCES (UK Commission for Employment and Skills) last week shone a light on the difficulties young people in the UK are facing trying to get a foot on the employment ladder. In...
View ArticleThings You'll Miss About Student Life
As July rolls around, students all over the UK are graduating. It's a wonderful time. All that hard work is paying off and now it's on to the next chapter. Everyone has a different approach to student...
View ArticleWhy Europe's Universities Need 'Stress Testing' Even More Than the Banking...
Since the 2008/09 financial crisis, the concept of 'stress testing' has assumed a much higher prominence in the business world. Right now, for instance, the European Banking Authority is supervising a...
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