Meet Student 'Elizabeth Raine', Auctioning Off Her Virginity For $300,000
A medical student auctioning off her virginity online has finally revealed her face as bids hit the $300,000 mark, despite fearing she'll be kicked out of university, The 27-year-old, who uses the name...
View Article600 Derby University Students At Risk Of HIV And Hepatitis After NHS Blunder
More than 600 students are facing an agonising wait to find out if they have been infected with HIV, hepatitis C or hepatitis B after a healthcare worker reused syringes. The students at Derby...
View ArticleShagAtUni Sex Site Luring Lecturers In To Sleep With Their Students
A student sex website has been branded "absolutely disgusting" after trying to lure lecturers to sign up and sleep with their students, offering free membership fees for any who do.
View ArticleNearly A Third Of Cambridge Students Have Been Sexually Assaulted, Shocking...
Nearly a third of Cambridge University students have been sexually assaulted, while more than a fifth feel unsafe during the evening, a shocking new report has found. More than three quarters (77%)...
View ArticleMidwifery Training Video Launched to Save Babies Lives
The UK has one of the worst stillbirth rates in the developed world and at least 1 third of stillbirths are related to fetal growth restriction. At least 10% of all babies born are growth restricted....
View Article'Babel' Essay Machine Can Generate Prize-Winning, But Meaningless Exams
It's an oddity of the modern examination system that, in many countries, essays aren't actually marked by humans. For some exams - such as several standardised tests used by American schools and...
View ArticleEmbracing Technology in the Classroom Offers Real Benefits to Teachers and...
Long gone are the days when a teacher or college tutor simply stood before their class and lectured their students. Today's digital world has led to huge developments in how both academic and...
View ArticleSelf-Teaching Yourself to Success
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't-you're right." I never appreciated how true this quote by Henry Ford was up until I applied myself to achieving one of my own goals and improving my...
View ArticleOxford Students Are Worryingly Subdued As They Stay Fully Clothed For May Day
What happened to the nudity? The dangerous jumping off bridges into shallow waters? The tomfoolery? May Day on the Oxford University calendar passed by without so much as a Daily Mail headline on...
View ArticleWelsh Students Get The Most Financial Support For Tuition Fees In The UK
Welsh students who attend university get more financial support than any of their UK counterparts, as their government foots the bill wherever they decide to study. Whilst students from England are...
View ArticleFive Reasons why Giggs Should Be Omitted
Many fans have voiced their positive opinion on Ryan Giggs to be the next permanent manager of Manchester United, but despite the romatic setting, United have to go for someone else. Here are five...
View ArticleFive Ideas for a Bold Labour Manifesto
Voices from all wings of the Labour Party, left and right, have called for a bold, radical manifesto for 2015. Labour need to grab public attention with bright, clear and popular policies to ensure Ed...
View ArticleYorkshire Schoolkids Win Funding For Recycling Business
A team of entrepreneurial schoolkids from Yorkshire have won thousands of pounds to start their business after pitching their idea for a recycling firm to a panel of top entrepreneurs. The team, from...
View Article'Britain's Most Violent Gangster' Domenyk Noonan Speaks At Birmingham City...
A reformed criminal, recently dubbed 'Britain's most violent gangster', who reportedly sung lullabies to police killer Dale Creegan delivered a talk to university students on his life of crime, and...
View ArticleYoung Entrepreneur Of The Week: 14-Year Old Sock Tycoon Gabriel McKeown
14-year old Gabriel McKeown is not like many other kids his age as he decided, while still at school, to start his own business. He bought sock samples with £20 he had saved up in pocket money and from...
View ArticleHelp to Work: Won't Help Won't Work
Long term unemployed people will have their benefits cut unless they visit a Job Centre everyday, undertake voluntary work or undertake training. If those out of work fail to partake in one of these...
View ArticleDigital Enterprise: New Rules Apply for Entrepreneurs of the Future
The UK is on the brink of a sea change. When it comes to starting a business, technology has levelled the playing field, opening up new opportunities for young people to drive change. More than half of...
View ArticleSlow Clap for Institutional Homophobia in Northern Ireland
The Northern Irish political process can be frustrating at the best of times, but this week, our politicians have truly outdone themselves. In a sickeningly regressive move which ignores both UK-wide...
View ArticleTwo Thirds Of Gay Teens Have Contemplated Suicide, As 80% Say They Are Bullied
Two thirds of young gay people say they have contemplated suicide, with a shocking 80% reporting being bullied because of their sexuality, research has revealed. A further 37% of gay 13 to 18-year-olds...
View ArticleWill Your Degree Leave You Unemployed After You Graduate?
There are some degrees which are pretty likely to leave you out of work and claiming benefits, according to official figures released by the Higher Education Statistics Agency. The stats suggest...
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