New York Uni Launches The Sociology Of Miley Cyrus Course - And No, You Won't...
It was only a matter of time, really, til somewhere stooped to the low of all lows and offered a course on Miley Cyrus and her infinitely irritating tongue. Well done Skidmore College in New York, that...
View ArticleIn Pictures: University Of West London Fashion Students' Incredible Fashion...
The University of West London (UWL) joined forces with TRAID, a fashion reuse charity, for a unique project to mark Fashion Revolution Day on 24 April. The best designs by students Kalaina Hughes and...
View ArticleIs University Right For You? Here's How To Find Out
Forget cheap beer or the chance to escape from parents - university applicants are overwhelmingly driven by improving their chances of getting a job when deciding to go to university, according to the...
View ArticleWant To Get Into Radio? Start At Your Student Radio Station - Here's How
Want to have your own radio show? Well student radio is a great place to start. Meet Remina Nair from GoThinkBig who tells us how she came about having her own specialist show, Urban Takeover, which...
View ArticleWhat Do Jimmy Savile, Andy Murray and Kermit Have In Common? They All Have...
Good news! You don’t have to revise for your exams. Well, sort of. Assuming you’re really good at tennis. Two days ago Andy Murray got his honorary degree from Stirling University. And it wasn’t even...
View ArticleA Drop in Youth Unemployment and a Rise in Apprenticehships: Why Vocational...
Spring has sprung here in Wales, and brought with it a number of green shoots in the process. According to recent labour market statistics, youth unemployment (16-24) is falling faster in Wales than in...
View ArticleWhy Are Oxford University's Men Getting More Firsts Than Women?
More male students at Oxford University are awarded first-class degrees than their female peers, statistics have revealed, with some blaming the "masculine" environment as the reason behind the...
View Article10 Reasons Why Wales Is A Great Place To Study
Wales is becoming a very popular place to study. This year saw a 6% increase in the number of students applying to Welsh universities. But what is it about Wales that attracts so many people? Well the...
View ArticleBritish Parents Air Fears Over Paedophile Teacher William Vahey
Furious parents of schoolchildren taught by convicted paedophile William Vahey are to be given the chance to demand answers from the police, despite the fact that child molester has committed suicide....
View ArticleDear Politicians, Your Photos Are Futile, Not Fabulous
Obviously, unless you do literally live on Mars, you will be aware of how much politicians love to have a photograph with someone. Be it chatting to patients of a local hospital before it's closed...
View ArticleBullying Must Be Tackled by Schools and the Government
Bullying is definitely a big factor in Mental Health. Bullies often have been bullied themselves and it causes them pain and contributes towards their need to bully others, which of course isn't right...
View Article15 Reasons You Know You're A Bristol University Student
In the far-flung reaches of the West Country, Bristol students have the best of all worlds. (Almost) Oxbridge-worthy intelligence meets the thumping, heavy baselines of the North. It is, in the words...
View ArticleThese Kids' Hilarious Synchronised Swimming Routine Will Totally Make Your...
We mean, like, totally. And forgive the Americanisms, but they are American, after all. Fifth-grade pupils at W. A. Porter Elementary School in Hurst, Texas, to be precise - and this was their entry...
View ArticleMusician Of The Week: Oxford University Student And Folk/Rock Singer Nick...
| Are you a student musician or in a student band? Fancy appearing in our Student Musician of the Week series? Click here to find out more | Meet: Nicholas Hampson. "I am a 20 year old songwriter and...
View ArticleFear and Loathing at the Self Checkout
It being that I loathe all human contact, the supermarket self checkout always looks like an attractive prospect. I probably hate smiling at the cashier whilst they scan my tampons more than they hate...
View ArticleAfter Generation Y...Generation Tech
How do we become adults? Is it by quietly learning, from our books, teachers and parents, until we have enough knowledge to go out into the world? Or is it by writing our own rules, taking risks and...
View ArticleThe Power of Female Education
In light of the recent abduction of 230 school girls in Chibok, Nigeria (which has been seldom reported within the international press), it has highlighted the importance of female education. The...
View ArticleStudents Pay Tribute To Teacher Anne Maguire, Stabbed To Death In Classroom
Students continue to pay tribute to their teacher Anne Maguire, who died after she was repeatedly stabbed in her classroom in front of her pupils in Leeds. A 15-year-old boy remains in custody tonight...
View ArticleInequality Remains: Why Exclude Straight Couples From Civil Partnerships?
On March 29, the steps of Islington Town Hall saw the culmination of decades of campaigning. The UK's first same-sex wedding just after midnight marked a key turning point in the battle for LGBT...
View ArticleAnn Maguire, Teacher Stabbed To Death At Leeds School, Was Just Months Away...
The much-loved teacher who was knifed to death in front of her horrified pupils was just months away from retiring, it has been revealed. The tragic news came as pupils at Corpus Christi Catholic...
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