National Women in Engineering Day: Why I Want to Be an Engineer
Have you seen Apollo 13? I know it's a Hollywood blockbuster with an A-list cast but I watched it when I was 12 after a visit to Nasa in Florida and I knew then that I wanted to be an engineer. There's...
View ArticleTransgender Student Successfully Campaigns To Break Formal Dress Code At...
A Cambridge college is breaking centuries of tradition by allowing women to wear trousers - and men to wear skirts - at formal dinners after a campaign by a transgender student. Charlie Northrop, 25,...
View ArticleHow Our Petition Has Catalysed a National Movement for Change
Oxford is a city with a historic divide between 'town' and 'gown', in which student life can often feel disappointingly cut off from the rest of the community. However, some student groups want to...
View ArticleYouth Will Not Define Adulthood
We are a nation obsessed with labels. We like to tag things- throw them in sub-categories and restrict each other in any way possible. As a teenager you are exposed to many things for the first time....
View ArticleFYI
I was recently described as an 'angry' blogger who writes nothing but 'done it before' articles. According to some readers, racism and sexism are 'exhausting' issues which need to take a back seat in...
View ArticleGreece Under Austerity...Through the Eyes of the Locals
As I browsed the internet in search of a last minute get away last month, it suddenly occurred to me that jetting off to a Greek island in the first week of June may not have been the wisest move after...
View ArticleWhat Are the Costs of a Free University Education?
We are in the midst of a higher education funding crisis. We are all losing out under the £9,000 model - we are, as £9,000 fee payers and so is the government, which has not saved money from this fee,...
View ArticleHow To Use Your LinkedIn Profile To Land You A Job
If you missed out on the milkround recruitment cycle, chances are you’re starting to think seriously about what you want to do with your future round about now. Some of you may be panicking about...
View ArticleThe Crisis in London Needs a Radical New Kind of Politics in City Hall
A response to Kenny Imafidon's open letter to prospective Mayoral candidates on HuffPo Young Voices. Dear Kenny, Your open letter to Mayoral candidates crystalises the frustrations of Londoners of many...
View ArticleTeen With Cancer, Omar Al Shaikh, Dies After Fulfilling Last Wish To Marry...
Before his life was cut short at the age of 16, Omar Al Shaikh had just one wish: to marry his girlfriend Amie Cresswell. The teenager, who had leukaemia, got that wish when the pair tied the knot by...
View ArticleReligious Docs: Who Needs Them?
If you happened to be in the city of Sheffield between 5 and 10 June, one thing is certain: you were aware that DocFest, the UK's largest festivity of documentary filmmaking, was in full swing. As a...
View ArticleA Third Of University Students Think International Classmates Hinder Their...
One in three university students think international classmates detract from the quality of academic discussions in their lessons, research has revealed. The survey found 54% of UK students think their...
View ArticleBirmingham Teenager Omar Al-Shaikh Marries His Girlfriend Days Before Losing...
A 16-year-old from Birmingham fulfilled his last wish by marrying his school sweetheart - just days before he tragically lost his battle with leukaemia. Omar Al-Shaikh had received the all-clear last...
View ArticleWe Must Ensure That Young Voices Are Heard and Valued in Shaping London's Future
This blog is a written response to Kenny Imafidon's recent HuffPost Young Voices blog, 'Open Letter to All Potential Mayoral Candidates (A Response Would Be Nice)', which can be read here Kenny, as a...
View ArticleFinancial Education Is Vital - But Not for the Reason You Think
When it comes to the debate on financial and enterprise education in UK schools, there's a powerful standard argument: children need to learn how to manage, spend and save their money; they also need...
View ArticleBritain's Youngest MP Mhairi Black Graduates With First Class Degree In Politics
Britain's youngest MP since 1667 has secured her second stunning result of the year - after being awarded a first class degree in politics. The SNP's Mhairi Black, the 20-year-old who made history and...
View ArticleBalcony Collapse Victim Faces Permanent Paralysis, But Says She Will Live The...
Clodagh Cogley was enjoying a friend's 21st birthday party at an apartment in Berkeley, California, when her life was changed forever. The balcony, where many of the partygoers were gathered, suddenly...
View ArticleHow to Spend 48 Hours in New Orleans
Start off your day with breakfast at the Camellia Grill. You can sample the famous New Orleans sandwiches, the Po' Boy and the Muffaletta or try the delicious pancakes and omelettes. The people that...
View ArticleFeminism: A Dirty Word? Only in the Eyes of a Dirty Society
Why is it that Feminism is a word with negative connotations? If you ask the British public whether they are in favour of equality the vast majority will say yes, they definitely are. They will rightly...
View ArticleStudent Aaron Dunford Died From 'Inhaling So Much Laughing Gas He Couldn't...
A Brighton University student died after inhaling so much laughing gas he could not longer walk down the stairs, a coroner's court has heart. Two hundred canisters of nitrous oxide were found at Aaron...
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