Oli White Reveals The Secret To Becoming A Famous YouTube Vlogger
At 25, I probably form part of the "YouTube generation", yet the world of vloggers is alien to me. How did Zoella get so famous? What is it that makes thousands, sometimes millions of people subscribe...
View ArticleChina Goes to Islamabad: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Apparently, China is beginning to have forsaken its vigilant approach to ties with Pakistan and has pursued a policy of active and deep engagement. In recent years, the relationship between Beijing and...
View ArticleSeven Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bulimia
From 2010 to 2013 I suffered quite badly with bulimia. I was always of average weight, so no body really looked at me any differently or noticed. It ended up getting quite bad, to the point where I was...
View ArticleI Want to See an Infrastructure That Removes the Barriers Disabled Travellers...
As a child, I was used to being chauffeured around in our family car. Wherever I wanted to go, my family would take me. Why? Because public transport was a complete no-go for me as a wheelchair user....
View ArticleStudents Pay Up To £12,000 Per Month For London Accomodation
Some students are paying up to £12,000 a mont to live in London, while rising property prices are leaving many increasingly stretched to cover basic costs. NUS Vice President of Welfare Colum McGuire...
View ArticlePharrell Williams Tells World Leaders To Tackle Climate Change By Providing...
Pharrell Williams has demanded world leaders move to tackle climate change by providing millions of green jobs for young people around the globe. In a video to be screened at the International Labour...
View ArticleThe Worst Childhood Rumours Hashtag Is The Best Thing On Twitter Today
The eraser part of an eraser pen was made of pig's wee the boy who leant back on his chair, cracked his head and died; and the two jelly aliens who made babies if you stuck them together. Childhood was...
View Article'She Always Gave Me The Option To Walk Away': Life As A Young Carer For...
Caring for a partner is something you don't envisage doing until later life, but for Paul Davies it's a lifestyle he has had to learn to cope with at just 24. Paul is a full-time carer for his wife...
View ArticleA Response for Kenny
This blog is a written response to Kenny Imafidon's recent HuffPost Young Voices blog, 'Open Letter to All Potential Mayoral Candidates (A Response Would Be Nice)', which can be read here Dear Kenny,...
View ArticleLower the Voting Age to 16 - The Result of the EU Referendum Will Affect Us...
Some politicians believe that young people aren't at all interested in politics, therefore engaging them is a waste of time. Recent events have proved that although not all young people are...
View ArticleCaring Through Crisis - Why the Social Care System Is Failing
After five years of caring for my wife it has been made clear to me that there fundamental problem in the way that social care is delivered in the UK. The system is geared toward supporting people only...
View ArticleTim Farron Leads Backlash Against Tory Plans To Cut Support Grants For Poor...
Lib Dem leadership favourite Tim Farron has slammed proposals to cut support grants for England's poorest students, saying they would hinder social mobility. The MP led the backlash against the...
View ArticleTeenager Tom Wagg Discovers A New Planet - While On Work Experience
A teenager who was on work experience with an astrophysics professor has been informed he actually discovered a new planet during his week at a university. Tom Wagg, from Newcastle-under-Lyme, was on a...
View ArticleThis Teen's Coming Out Yearbook Quote Is Fantastic
Screw the cheesy memories and inspirational Martin Luther King quotes, your high school yearbook is a time for sass, wit and swag. Enter Maxwell Barrett, who nailed it in one - using the opportunity to...
View ArticleReducing Student Grants Is Not Fault-Free and Affects Poor Students Most -...
Reports that the Government are thinking about reducing or abolishing maintenance grants in favour of bigger maintenance loans are, in one sense, not a surprise. At the recent general election, all the...
View ArticleMuslim Students Have Threatened To Sue Their College After They Were...
Three 19-year-old students have threatened to sue their college, claiming they were suspended during their exams for raising awareness about Islamophobia. Tahyba Ahmed, Sumayyah Ashraf and Humayra...
View ArticleIrish Students Forced To Sleep Rough And Share Beds With Strangers As Rent Rises
The deepening housing crisis in Dublin is forcing students to commute across the country, share beds, sleep rough, or give up their dream of studying altogether. Kevin Donoghue, deputy president of the...
View ArticleSadiq Khan Pledges To Work With Young Londoners If He Is Elected Mayor
Labour MP Sadiq Khan has called on young Londoners to work with him to tackle the city's problems, saying "too many" are being left behind as the capital powers ahead. Khan, who is MP for Tooting and...
View ArticleDespite What She Says, Theresa May is Offloading Our Mental Health Crisis...
On the whole, I'm proud of our police force. Not in an idealistic way, I'm aware there are police officers who have done horrendous things, but I think they do one of the most thankless jobs in society...
View ArticleShocking, ANOTHER Sexist London Underground Ad
Congrats - we have all survived through the outrage and uproar caused by that Protein World advertisement. The one that sent shivers down the spines of women everywhere. The ad featured a spectacularly...
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