Gay High School Student Who Was Banned From Giving His Speech, Finally Gets...
An 18 year old valedictorian at the Twin Peaks Charter Academy in Colorado, was banned from giving his long awaited speech because he wanted to announce that he was gay. Student Evan Young, from...
View ArticleIt's Really Not That Difficult, Call Her Caitlyn!
Caitlyn Jenner bravely revealed her true self to the world this week, with a stunning feature in Vanity Fair magazine. Whilst it's reasonable to say that her public unveiling has been met with...
View ArticleMore Of Britain's Youths Take Cocaine And Ecstasy Than In Any Other European...
Britain has the highest rate of cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy use among young adults in Europe, a report indicates. Around one in 24 (4.2%) people aged between 15 and 34 in the UK admitted taking...
View ArticleInspirational Young Woman Lucy Wilson Finally 'Liberated' After 50 Operations...
An inspirational 20-year-old burns survivor who has endured over 50 operations has spoken of her "liberating" journey to recovery. Lucy Wilson suffered severe burns to her feet, hands and right leg as...
View ArticleThese Muslim Girls Have Written Epic Yearbook Quotes
These witty Muslim girls have added some serious pizzazz to their yearbook with some hilarious quotes. In a society where women in Islam are so often portrayed in a negative light by the media, is it...
View ArticleGCSE Students Are So Traumatised By Their Edexcel Maths Exam, They Got It...
It's not often you see something as erm, academic, as an exam board trending on Twitter, so when we saw the world and his wife tweeting about #EdexcelMaths we did a double take. Turns out, the GCSE...
View ArticleFamily Arrested For Cheering At Graduation Ceremony In Mississippi
Four people have had warrants issued for their arrest after cheering their family members at a high school graduation ceremony in Mississippi. The audience were asked not to shout out during the...
View ArticleCalling On All Fashion Houses to Pay Interns
I want to make a call to all fashion houses to pay their interns. I run a start-up fashion label in South London, financed with my own money. An army of unpaid interns would make my life that much...
View ArticleIt's Cheaper To Change Your Name By Deed Poll Than Change Your Name On Your...
A student changed his name by deed poll and got a new passport because it was cheaper than forking out a £220 admin fee to Ryanair to correct a mistake on his ticket. Adam Armstrong paid £103 for a new...
View ArticleMy Ostomy Bag Won't Limit My Underwear Choices!
I was out shopping the other day whilst my boyfriend was at work, just looking for clothes and makeup really. I'd spent two hours so far looking through shop after shop, trying on various different...
View ArticleISIS Fanatics Are Whining ... About The Lack of Starbucks Coffee in Mosul
Apparently the coffee in Abu Bakr Al-Baghadi's terror fiefdom is "beyond wretched". An Iraq/Syria-based adherent of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State In Iraq and Al-Sham" terrorist group has been...
View ArticleThe Follies of a Referendum
The European Union received the Nobel peace prize in 2012. Europe had been transformed from a 'continent of war' into a 'continent of peace' praised Thorbjoern Jagland , the Nobel Committee President....
View Article'Beauty Is Bravery' Says Teen, Living With Ileostomy Bag, In This Powerful Video
A teenage blogger has opened up in a powerful video about her life changing emergency surgery for an ileostomy bag, following a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. Hattie Gladwell, 19, underwent surgery...
View ArticleA Career In Art and Design
Sean McSorley a freelance illustrator and illustration tutor at Tavistock Tutors designed the image above and co-authored this article. I'm a commercial artist, I've had some decent clients - Folio...
View ArticleLife After Exams - What to Do While You're Waiting for Results
Exam time for students is often said to be one to the most intense periods of life. It can certainly be incredibly stressful to absorb as much information as possible and cope with the bombardment of...
View ArticleChoosing an MBA or MSc Dissertation Topic
I would like to give you some advice about choosing your dissertation topic. There are many factors to take into account, including your own interests and the industry and company where you work. In...
View ArticleThe Free Help Guy Is An Anonymous Man Who Will Help Anyone, With Anything,...
[Picture: Ruth Hogben] I'm in a cafe in central London to meet a man who has just flown from the capital to Dublin. When he got there, he turned around and flew straight back again, without leaving the...
View ArticleHigh School Student Helps Her Autistic Twin Brother Graduate With A Smile
A high school graduate from Alabama has helped her severely autistic twin brother get the graduation that he truly deserves. Aly Bonville shares an extremely close relationship with her twin brother,...
View ArticleWe Know How Lucky We Are - That's Why We Believe Every Young Person Deserves...
We never imagined when we were younger that our passion for makeup and creativity would result in us actually being able to forge a career and allow us to run our own business. In my teens I developed...
View ArticleYoung Entrepreneurs Of The Week: Meet The Shed's Gladwin Brothers, Tackling...
The past week has seen some big wins for the sustainability movement; France announced supermarkets would be banned from throwing away food, while Tesco is to become the first British supermarket to...
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