Why Feminist Critics of 'Game of Thrones' Are Wrong
I'm a feminist, of course I'm a feminist, I have a vagina. What person with a vagina wouldn't want equality between men AND women? Which is essentially what feminism means. It's not, burning your bra...
View ArticleMusic Festivals: The Dying Event
I have always been a follower of festivals, whether that is by physically attending them or watching them on TV or personally help organise them (I worked at Ejector Seat Festival in 2013 and 2014). I...
View ArticleGay Teen Forced To Have Sex With His Mother To 'Cure' Him
A teenager was forced to have sexual intercourse with his mother in order to "cure" him of being gay, an LGBT rights group in India has claimed. The practice of "corrective rapes" are on the increase,...
View Article11 Spelling Changes That Would Make The English Language WAY Easier
The English language is a weird and wonderful beast. Growing up speaking it as a first language can be hard, but imagine what it's like to try and learn it. The Oxford Dictionary, bless 'em, have come...
View ArticleNew Education Legislation Shows Nothing But Contempt for Teachers, Pupils and...
It's as if Nicky Morgan feels that she has not yet made her mark as Education Secretary - has not, as her predecessor did, yet succeeded in alienating the entirety of the teaching profession - and is...
View ArticleMeet The Teen Mom Who Went From Being Homeless To Graduating With An $80k...
A teen mum has beaten the odds by graduating first in her class, as well as being awarded more than $80,000 in scholarships for college. Trameka Pope, from Chicago, and her family had in the past...
View ArticleSeven Under 30s Who Volunteer - And Absolutely Love It
At HuffPost, we like to shout about people doing good things. That's why, when Volunteers' Week came around, we thought there was no better time to profile just a few of the under 30s who are devoting...
View ArticleThe BBC's 'Britain's Hardest Grafter' Show Should be Britain's Greatest Shame
The BBC, it seems, has recently appointed Katie Hopkins as the head of its public relations team. They have taken on the additional public service role of official propaganda machine for Iain Duncan...
View ArticleWhat is Happening to the Left?
This week, to much acclaim and fanfare Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn Jenner, a victory, I naively thought, for transgender people across the globe. The internet reacted, on the whole, extremely well: she...
View ArticleMitzi and Me: Time for Plan B
You get involved with charities to do something good, right? To selflessly offer your time to benefit others less fortunate. It's important to get something out of it yourself, though. No point turning...
View ArticleIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Slams NUS For Boycotting Israel -...
Israeli's prime minister has slammed the National Union of Students for boycotting Israel - but refusing to boycott terrorist group ISIS. Benjamin Netanyahu called the NUS hypocrites after the group...
View ArticleAshamed to be Black at NUS Black Students' Conference
On the weekend of Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st May 2015, NUS (National Union of Students) Black Students' Conference was held at Horwood House in Milton Keynes, and for the first time in my life, I...
View ArticleThe Number Of Teenagers Being Admitted To Hospitals For Eating Disorders Has...
The number of hospital admissions across the UK for young people suffering from eating disorders has nearly doubled in the last three years, according to the NHS. The admissions have increased from 959...
View ArticleMaking Difficult Decisions
University is about more than just a degree. It's about making friends, trying new things, and becoming independent. Personally, I love it. It's given me a chance to escape from my teeny-tiny village...
View ArticleWhat Agoraphobia REALLY Looks Like
It's not easy to 'spot' someone with agoraphobia. Even when their behaviour clearly elicits a sense of the person not being comfortable where they are, unless you ask them outright, there could be any...
View ArticleNatalie Carson Posts Craigslist Advert To 'Rent A Family' For Her Birthday
A 19-year-old college student has posted a heart-wrenching advert on Craigslist looking to 'rent a family' to spend her birthday with. Natalie Carson from Westminster, Colorado was adopted at a young...
View ArticleTiny Model And Former Miss Earth Contestant Nela Zisser Devours 120 Chicken...
Former Miss Earth New Zealand Nela Zisser is not your typical competitive eater. The tiny model looks like she has no space at all in which to pack the massive amounts of food she eats, which makes her...
View ArticleAlton Towers Rollercoaster Crash: Victim Joe Pugh, Who Was On First Date With...
One of the victims of the horror rollercoaster crash at Alton Towers which left four seriously injured has spoken out for the first time since the incident on Tuesday. Teenager Joe Pugh, who was on a...
View ArticleOxford University To Vote Whether Last All-Male College Should Accept Women
Oxford University is to vote on whether its last all-male college will admit female undergraduates, 136 years after the first women's colleges were opened at the institution. St Benet's Hall is the...
View ArticleGay Rights Are About More Than Marriage
*Jeffrey Lockhart [2014] is doing an MPhil in Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies. Follow him on Twitter: @jw_lockhart. A symbolic marriage cake in favour of allowing gay marriages in Italy not only to...
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