Brothers Build Monster Snow Turtle. Internet Goes Crazy
A trio of brothers have put their town on the map after being a monster 12ft snow turtle in their back yard. Austin, Trevor and Connor Bartz from New Brighton, Minnesota, slaved away in the snow from...
View ArticleLSE Student Daniel Wickham's Epic Tweets Expose Hypocritical World Leaders...
London School of Economics student Daniel Wickham wasn't bought by the show of solidarity of world leaders at the Charlie Hebdo rally in Paris on Monday. Instead, he realised many of the countries...
View ArticleStudent's School ID Picture Airbrushed, Turned Her Into 'A Prettier Twin Sister'
A US student found looks can certainly be deceiving after her school ID picture came out suspiciously well - until she realised her image had been photoshopped. The female, who attends an all-girl high...
View ArticleAn Innovative Delevopment For Education in Sierra Leone
When you think of Sierra Leone, you may think of desperate poverty and now thanks to 2014, the Ebola outbreak, but that isn't what the country has to be defined by in the future. Sam Whitaker, a good...
View ArticleSwedish Sex Ed Song Featuring Cartoon Penises And Vaginas Is Strangely...
A sex education cartoon from a Swedish children's programme featuring dancing penises and vaginas has gone viral. Truly, the mind boggles. The video clip, part of TV show Bacillakuten which airs on...
View ArticleUCAS Offers Last Minute University Application Tips And Advice
You've spent hours planning, writing, re-writing, proof reading and tweaking one of the most important application forms you've had to fill out. Your UCAS university application. This is the first...
View ArticleIt's Official: The Green Party Is The Second Most Popular Party For Young People
The Green Party has been enjoying a steady rise in recent months and it looks as if there is no stopping them now. In December 2014, a poll by YouGov showed the party was polling at 22% and tied for...
View ArticleThe Waking Nightmare
My name is Nat Hawley, I am 23 and now in full time employment, living independently in London after years of feeling scared to even leave my room. I was born with autism and dyspraxia, in school I...
View ArticleCan't Leave the House? Can't Get a Job
Many people have days when they don't want to leave the house, but thankfully they are few and far between. But for one in ten of Britain's youth, these feelings of anxiety are overwhelming and they...
View Article'You Wouldn't Be Long Getting Frost But'. Londonderry Teen Has Best Northern...
When we came across this Northern Irish teen from Londonderry being interviewed about his school trip in the snow, we couldn't help but giggle. The endearing lad is fast becoming a YouTube sensation,...
View ArticleTransgender Youth Comes Out During Inspirational University Talk
Just.. wow. Canadian university student Benton Sorensen gave the presentation of his life to his fellow students - whom he had only just met - when he came out as transgender. You Might Also Like.. Has...
View ArticleMore Than A Third Of Female University Students 'Have Been Sexually Assaulted'
More than a third of women students at UK universities say they have been subjected to sexual assaults or harassment, according to a survey. The poll, carried out by YouthSight for the Daily Telegraph,...
View ArticleStudents To Hold Protest After Lesbians Thrown Out Of Vienna Cafe For Kissing
Students in Vienna are holding a kissing protest outside a cafe in the city, after it threw out a lesbian pair who were told their behaviour belonged "in a brothel". Eva Prewein, 26, and Anastasia...
View ArticleWhat To Do After The UCAS Deadline
The UCAS deadline has passed and it is now a matter of just playing the waiting game. Most students hear back from the universities they've applied to by 31 March and make a decision after a few weeks....
View Article10 Neglected Words You Need To Start Using
Look ho, you rapscallion! Begone with your flapdoodle "selfies" and "hashtags" and lay-to proper English. Not a clue what we're on about? Don't blame you. We're only just getting the hang of it...
View ArticleHow the Tories Sold British Democracy
The coalition government has much to answer for since 2010. Yet what seems to escape almost all notice is their relentless attacks on the very fabric of British democracy. The conventional guarantee...
View ArticleUS School Principal Wants To Stockpile Cans Of Corn For Students To Use As...
A principal of a US school wants to stockpile cans of sweetcorn and peas in classrooms so students can throw them them at intruders. Priscella Holley, head of W.F Burns Middle School in Valley,...
View ArticleThe Time Has Come for 'Moderate Islam' to Speak Up
Since 11 September 2001 when Islamic extremism really thrust itself to the forefront of the Western mind with deadly venom, there has been much talk of the 'subversion' of the 'true Islam'. Repeatedly...
View ArticleThe State of the Student Body: The Silent Majority and the Noisy Zealots
An article by Brendan O'Neill in a November issue of the Spectator magazine remained the most read article on the Spectator website until late December, with the article amassing almost 1,500 comments....
View ArticleThe First Thoughts of a University Dropout
There are a multitude of valid reasons why students drop out from university. From the course not being what they expected, lack of enjoyment, homesickness or ill health. The UK has 154 recogized...
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