Instead, he realised many of the countries represented had a pretty poor record of free press - and so decided to name and shame each and every one..
So here are some of the staunch defenders of the free press attending the solidarity rally in Paris today...
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
1) King Abdullah of Jordan, which last year sentenced a Palestinian journalist to 15 years in prison with hard labour
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
2) Prime Minister of Davutoglu of Turkey, which imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
3) Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, whose forced killed 7 journalists in Gaza last yr (second highest after Syria)
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
4) Foreign Minister Shoukry of Egypt, which as well as AJ staff has detained journalist Shawkan for around 500 days
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
5) Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, which last year jailed a journalist for "insulting a government servant"
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
6) Foreign Minister Lamamra of Algeria, which has detained journalist Abdessami Abdelhai for 15 months without charge
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
7) The Foreign Minister of the UAE, which in 2013 held a journo incommunicado for a month on suspicion of MB links
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
8) Prime Minister Jomaa of Tunisia, which recently jailed blogger Yassine Ayan for 3 years for "defaming the army"
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
9) The PMs of Georgia and Bulgaria, both of whom have a record of attacking & beating journos
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
10) The Attorney General of the US, where police in Ferguson have recently detained and assaulted WashPost reporters
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
11) Prime Minister Samaras of Greece, where riot police beat & injured two journalists at a protest in June last year
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
12) Sec-Gen of NATO, who are yet to be held to account for deliberately bombing and killing 16 Serbian journos in '99
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
13) President Keita of Mali, where journalists are expelled for covering human rights abuses
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
14) The Foreign Minister of Bahrain, 2nd biggest jailer of journos in the world per capita (they also torture them)
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
15) Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar, which jailed a man for 15 ys for writing the Jasmine poem
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
16) Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who had several journalists jailed for insulting him in 2013
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
17) Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia, which sentenced a blogger to six months in prison for "defamation" in 2013
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
18) Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland, where "blasphemy" is considered a criminal offense
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
19) Prime Minister Kopacz of Poland, which raided a magazine to seize recordings embarrassing for the ruling party
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
20) PM Cameron of the UK, where authorities destroyed documents obtained by The Guardian and threatened prosecution
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
21) Saudi ambassador to France. The Saudis publicly flogged blogger @raif_badawi for "insulting Islam" on Friday
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
And not forgetting..
Oh, and President Assad condemned the Charlie Hebdo attack too. Don't think this one really needs any more comment tbh.
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015
Safe to say Wickham's
Ok guys I think you've broken my phone now lol
— Daniel Wickham (@DanielWickham93) January 11, 2015