How Youngsters Are Leading the Fight Against Food Poverty
As we near 2015, hunger still remains an issue that affects thousands of our poorest families up and down the country. Last week's Feeding Britain report into hidden food poverty unearthed the scale...
View Article10 Places In The UK To Celebrate New Year's Eve... For Free
New Year's Eve. The night of almost inevitable disappointment, drunken mistakes and denting your current account. Avoid spending gazillions on a rubbish night only to kiss the wrong person and be...
View ArticleThe Reality of Institutionalisation
After attending the International Volunteering Conference in Croydon, The Rosie May Memorial Fund were invited to share their opinion on international volunteering, the problem's with...
View ArticleThese People Did Long, Unpaid Internships And Lived To Tell The Tale
In a bid to stop the best jobs going to the richest, Labour will limit unpaid internships to four weeks if they win the next election, after a successful lobbying campaign by Intern Aware. The task...
View ArticleSt Andrews University Student Pasquale Galianni Confesses To Sex Attacks
A PhD student at St Andrews University has been placed on the sex offenders register after admitting to carrying out sex attacks on two students. Pasquale Galianni committed the assaults on the St...
View ArticleWe Chose Apprenticeships Over Going To University - And Have Never Looked Back
With the average student graduating with around £44,000 of debt and the graduate earning prospects at some universities being uncomfortably low, there's been a surge in school-leavers embarking on...
View ArticleOfsted Is Measuring the Wrong Things
Last week saw the publication of the annual Ofsted report which looked at the outcomes of schools' inspections in 2013-14. The report's headline-grabber was that progress in secondary schools in the UK...
View ArticleStudent Nurse Kassandra Bravo Found Strangled And Skinned After Accusing...
A student nurse has been found skinned by the side of a road after accusing her step-father of sexual assault and murder. Nineteen-year-old Kassandra Bravo reportedly made the allegations public in a...
View ArticleConsent Workshops Need to be Mandatory at Universities
Content warning: the following post contains mentions of rape and sexual assault. For many young people, university is a major turning point in their lives. The first few weeks and ensuing years can...
View Article10 Stupid Reasons To Get Detention
School is meant to be the best days of your life, but that wasn't the case for these 10 students who were sent on detention for the worst reasons. From saving a woman from suicide, to fighting with...
View ArticleTheresa May 'Pushing For Foreign Students To Be Sent Home At End Of Studies'
Foreign students could face being sent back to their home countries after their courses finish under hardline plans reportedly being considered by Home Secretary Theresa May. The move would mean...
View ArticleStudent Funding: We Must Demand More
This week several years ago I had to drop out of university. The student finance system was hit with severe delays and students couldn't access their maintenance loans and grants for months after...
View ArticleNotes on Living at Home In Your Twenties
So, late-launching millennial, you've found yourself moving back into a time warp of retro music posters, loudly coloured walls, furry furniture and an unacceptable single bed. You're either: part of a...
View ArticleLiberty, Tiffany, Smythson...Behind the Power of Branding
Watching Channel 4's second series of Liberty of London last month gave me the biggest wake up call I've had yet on the impact of branding. If you watched the documentary you may have been taken by the...
View ArticleTheresa May: We Are Here to Stay
As many international students in the UK prepare for a Christmas period alone, because we cannot afford to fly back to see our families, the news of Theresa May's plans to deport us upon graduation...
View ArticlePakistan Finally Wakes Up to the Taliban Threat
*Saalika Mela [2013] recently completed an MPhil in Education at the University of Cambridge. Picture credit of man escorting schoolchildren after they were rescued from the Peshawar school: Express...
View ArticlePanic Saturday, an Exercise in Sensationalism
Usually, the summer Parliamentary recess is referred to as 'the silly season' for journalists, as news dries up and reporters resort to barrel scraping to find stories. It seems that this year, the...
View ArticleNigel Farage's Defence of Kerry Smith Demonstrates that Casual Racism is the...
It seems that week after week, we're hit with another story of Nigel Farage or one of his UKIP counterparts spouting racist, sexist and homophobic comments left right and centre. It's become worryingly...
View ArticleHappiness This Holiday Season: A Surefire Guide
By now, our tree stands proud and decorated in the living room. Our skis have been revived from aestivation and have carried us across sheets of snow lit by moonlight. Our cozy house has witnessed...
View ArticleStudents Spend £170 on Christmas
Photo supplied by The festive season will cost the average university student £170 this year, according to a Save the Student survey. That's roughly £300 less than the general UK...
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