A student nurse has been found skinned by the side of a road after accusing her step-father of sexual assault and murder.
Nineteen-year-old Kassandra Bravo reportedly made the allegations public in a Facebook post, and went missing on December 3 in Uruapan, Mexico,
After her body was found by the roadside two days later, a post mortem revealed that she had been strangled until she passed out, and then died.
![kassandra bravo]()
Kassandra Bravo
Bravo claimed Daniel Murrieta Sainz had been sexually abusing her since the age of 15, and was reported missing when she didn't turn up for a babysitting job the 42-year-old was driving her to.
A police spokesperson said: "We brought him in for questioning and he admitted strangling her and dumping the body.
"But he denied he had been abusing her or that he had skinned her."
Detectives say the teenager's face was so badly mutilated it was impossible to identify her.
Nineteen-year-old Kassandra Bravo reportedly made the allegations public in a Facebook post, and went missing on December 3 in Uruapan, Mexico,
After her body was found by the roadside two days later, a post mortem revealed that she had been strangled until she passed out, and then died.

Bravo claimed Daniel Murrieta Sainz had been sexually abusing her since the age of 15, and was reported missing when she didn't turn up for a babysitting job the 42-year-old was driving her to.
A police spokesperson said: "We brought him in for questioning and he admitted strangling her and dumping the body.
"But he denied he had been abusing her or that he had skinned her."
Detectives say the teenager's face was so badly mutilated it was impossible to identify her.