Money-Saving Tips For Freshers
As record numbers of young people flock to university this September, student life looms on the horizon in all its exciting, terrifying glory. There are hopes of making new friends, attending fun...
View ArticleErasmus Didn't Travel to Boost Employability and Job Prospects
The European Commission confirmed this week that the Erasmus student exchange scheme boosts employability and job prospects. The report of the Erasmus Impact Study findings states that graduates with...
View Article'Quitting' Is Perfectly Normal
'If at first you don't succeed, cry and moan and try something else' is my motto. I've been called a quitter. By friends, by parents... by a resentful drum teacher whose sole motive appeared to be to...
View ArticleSports Leadership - Practical Learning With a Qualification to Show
There is no 'one size fits all' solution when it comes to educating today's young people. Everyone learns in different ways - some by doing, some by listening and reading - and every way contributes to...
View ArticleHalt the Rapid Decline in Part-Time Higher Education
In recent years, provision by universities of lifelong learning and professional education has been in sharp decline. Earlier this year, for instance, the Rinnooy Kan Commission in the Netherlands...
View ArticleT-Shirt Troubles
Urban Outfitters have been getting a lot of bad press for their extremely insensitive and offensive clothing. One of the items of clothing that was in particularly poor taste was a t-shirt glorifying...
View ArticleEngendering Equality in Engineering
British engineering is facing a serious skills shortage. Yesterday, the think tank IPPR published a report claiming that 'an additional 87,000 graduate level engineers will be needed in the UK each...
View ArticleStudents And Graduates Share Their Freshers' Week Survival Tips
You made it. Finished school with flying colours or by the skin of your teeth, it doesn't matter. You are about to embark on freshers' week, a right of passage for every undergraduate. You probably...
View ArticleBest Apps for London Fresher Students 2014
So, you've done it. You've moved out from your parents' cosy warm house in the sticks and into your cramped, smelly university halls in the Big Smoke. It won't take you too long to figure out that...
View ArticleMessage in the Mobile: What I Get From Seeing Serial Texters in the Classroom
The joke goes like this: if you are an instructor, you can receive "instant feedback" on your teaching simply by observing how many SMS students send on their mobiles during class. If a student sends...
View ArticleThe Power of Languages: Reconstructing the Tower of Babel and Beyond
It started with the Tower of Babel. There I was, sitting in my IB Business and Management class wondering why on earth in this era of globalization, we still see "language differences" as a significant...
View ArticleHong Kong's Umbrella Revolution Has A Truly Complex Leadership
He's a skinny student who isn’t even old enough to vote, yet Joshua Wong is one of the most prominent figureheads in Hong Kong’s unprecedented pro-democracy protests. Even at just 17 years of age, Wong...
View ArticleTimes Higher Education World University Rankings Shows UK Losing Ground
The UK's reputation for world-class universities could be losing ground amid continuing fierce competition from overseas, according to international rankings. A number of Britain's institutions have...
View ArticleMicrowave Meals With A Twist: How To Make Breakfast In A Mug
We all know students are supposed to dine off microwaveable meals - but how about meals that are actually cooked in the microwave, and not just reheated? And moreover, they're in a mug. So minimal...
View ArticleYoung Entrepreneur Of The Week: 21-Year Old Bertie Wilson
Bertie Wilson, 21, got his big business idea while browsing for a good jacket online. Finding it annoying having to flit between websites to find the best discount, the Edinburgh University student...
View ArticleDon't Make Me Choose Between University and Vocational
Figures from UCAS show the number of students going to university with vocational qualifications is up. Good news. But as a result, universities are being accused of 'dumbing down' their entry...
View ArticleThe Solution to 'Humanitarian Trips'
A month before I left my confortable life in Paris, France, to reach Lomé, Togo I came across several articles that made me feel uncomfortable about the project I had been working on with 12 other...
View ArticleOxbridging the Gap?
"Forget Oxbridge - this year's world university league tables show the best two institutions in the UK should go by the name Impbridge," or so wrote Richard Garner in The Independent last month after...
View ArticleMy Feminism Awakening
Last week, Emma Watson gave a speech at the UN on the importance of feminism which sparked positive and negative responses across the world. I don't agree entirely with what Emma Watson was preaching....
View ArticleDad Teaches Life Lesson: How To Load A Dishwasher
How many times have you loaded the dishwasher at home? Haven't a clue? Ok. What about: How many times have you been told to put your dirty plates in the dishwasher? Ah yes - this you know the answer...
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