It's Been A Great Year For Student Feminist Societies: Here's What They Achieved
Gender is back on the agenda. It's been a feisty year for feminism, and its various strands have seen it become a full-blown movement among UK students. Campaigns led by young women such as women on...
View ArticleStudents Heading Off On Charity Trek Left At Airport As Travel Firm Goes Bust
A group of students participating in a charity trek were about to check in for their flight to Tanzania when they received an email from their travel firm saying the company had gone bust. Around 40...
View ArticleSex on the Syllabus
Sex sells. It's a plain and simple fact that sales execs have played on for years. Just look at the Diet Coke man, iconic music videos by the likes of Madonna and Miley Cyrus, or the raft of perfume...
View ArticleAre Universities Fudging Employment Figures?
Image by Tome Harle It's an exciting time for thousands of young people around the UK who, having secured their places at university, can now look forward to the huge step of starting their degrees in...
View ArticleTeaching '.b' at American Summer Camp - Swimming, Dancing and Feeling Our...
Most of us in the UK have an idea of what an American summer camp is like: swimming, hi- jinks, Patrick Swayze in 'Dirty Dancing'. So when I was approached to teach Mindfulness in Schools Project's...
View ArticleStudents Are Missing Out On Their Education Due To Mental Health Stigma
More than three quarters of young people with mental heath problems have missed out on their education, with many saying they have been bullied as a result of their issues. One in four students said...
View ArticleHave Some Manners, Please
A couple of months ago I answered the door to a charity fundraiser, who started asking me about monthly payments to a cause. I apologised that we were students and that we didn't really have the money...
View ArticleHow Should We Judge the Success of a School?
I have followed with great interest recent media coverage on the issue of whether all independent schools should be inspected by Ofsted. The proposed change has prompted an outpouring of differing...
View ArticleClergy Press for Faith Schools Reform
A new alliance of clergy across all denominations and faiths - Anglican, Catholic and other churches (Methodist, United Reformed, Unitarian, Quaker), along with the Hindu, Muslim and Jewish faiths -...
View ArticleMindfulness: Bringing the Teenage Brain On-board
"Mindfulness? What is that? What's the point?" Any self-respecting teenage class will start a mindfulness course with a very high degree of scepticism. If they didn't, I'd be worried. It is programmed...
View Article16 Ways to Survive a PhD
It's officially the start of a new academic year, which means it's time for a fresh batch of PhD candidates to enter the weird and wonderful world of doctoral research (I mean it; it really is...
View ArticleSustainable Schools Project Boosts Exam Results
By Roger East The pupil-friendly design of several Bristol schools has helped to increase the percentage of pupils gaining 5 A*-to-C grades. In a poll result almost as unsurprising as a North Korean...
View ArticleWhy We Should Remove 'Victim' From Our Vocabulary
There are words, and then there are words which we hear all too often in this day and age. Notable mentions going to 'YOLO' (the use of which I may still be guilty) and 'bae' (still not entirely sure...
View ArticlePost-Graduate Life
It's only after graduating that I've realised no one has ever taught me how to get a job. Not properly. I've been to CV workshops, interview practices, even gotten feedback from rejections, which is a...
View ArticleSix Ways to Thrive as a Carer at University
Studying for a degree as a carer was the biggest challenge of my life. I was pushed to my limits as I fought to juggle the two. That being said, it was a great and fulfilling experience. The pressure...
View ArticleStudent Vows To Carry Her Mattress Around Campus Until Her Rapist Is Expelled...
A student at a university in the US has vowed to carry the mattress she was allegedly sexually assaulted on around campus until her rapist is expelled. Emma Sulkowicz says she was raped by a fellow...
View ArticleStudent Paralysed In Car Crash Can Frown, Blink And Smile Again After 'Smile...
A student whose face was tragically paralysed after a horror car accident can finally smile, blink and frown again after getting a "smile transplant". Bethan Robertson-Smith, 29, was driving home from...
View Article9 Essential Apps And Technology Which Make Life Easier For International...
Going to university is stressful enough, let alone if you're travelling over from a foreign country to do so. That's why we've rounded up the 9 apps and technology which will make your life bucketloads...
View ArticleWhat Young People Don't, But Should, Know About Britain's Nuclear Weapons
For governments seeking to strengthen their own agendas it can help to have a minimally informed or, at least, somewhat apathetic electorate. And so important political decisions are often veiled in a...
View Article40 Weird And Wacky College Traditions
College is this weird and wonderfully exotic creature; we always hear stories from across the pond of crazy frat parties, weird initiation traditions and, er, band camp. Cornell University, for...
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