Young London - Who We Really Are
The term 'young adult' has no clear boundaries. A search within Google conjures up many hits with several definitions and age categories. Despite in the UK the 'adult' age is reached at 18 years old,...
View ArticleVI Talk: Building a Social World on Audioboo
In this modern day, society has been cultivated towards the productivity of the Internet and its many social media platforms. From Twitter, Facebook and YouTube with millions of people across the world...
View ArticleLiving With Mild Body Dysmorphic Disorder
I can't remember a time in which I wasn't obsessed with my appearance. There is a harsh, vindictive little critic who sits on my shoulder and breathes his bile into my ear incessantly. He smirks and...
View ArticleThe Myth of Britain's Social Recovery
At the start of last week, Ian Duncan Smith hailed our so called 'social recovery.' By the end of it, this supposed recovery was looking doubtful at best, as the Sunday Times ran a front page...
View ArticleSeven Job Interview Tips You Really, Really Need to Take on Board
Searching for a job is dull, difficult and downright depressing. It's frustrating to spend hours honing an application only to have nothing but radio silence in return, so when that much prayed-for...
View ArticleStop Everything. Cambridge University Wants To Pay A Student To Do A PhD In...
Stop what you are doing immediately. Cambridge University is looking for someone to do a three year PhD in CHOCOLATE. Not only that but they want to pay them. Before you check your calendar, no it's...
View ArticleAid Workers Could Secure Better Protection Under the Protection of Civilians...
When two aid workers were shot dead in Afghanistan last month, the world's media focused its attention on the dangers of 21st century humanitarianism and the challenges that assistance agencies face...
View ArticleHow I Gained 180,000 YouTube Subscribers
I started my YouTube channel in 2006 when I was 13 years old. I can't believe it is nearly a decade ago! I had been posting videos on Bebo before then, but YouTube was a completely new platform for me,...
View ArticleA UEA Fresher's Guide To The City Of Norwich
Congratulations, you've accepted a place at the University of East Anglia. You may now gleefully look forward to three years of 'Pimp My Barrow', lakeside barbecues and, of course, semi-regular...
View Article'I Applied To University To Please My School': Government Urged To Appoint...
Students are applying to universities to please their teachers and parents, even though they don't want to go, prompting businesses and employers to demand a career advice tsar. Tim Campbell, winner of...
View ArticleAlabama University Sorority Chi Omega Posts Racist Snapchat Celebrating 'No...
A student who bragged there were no black women in her sorority group has been kicked out of the club after her snapchat message went viral. The social media picture showed three girls from Alabama...
View ArticleUniversities Warned About Potential Ebola Outbreak
British universities have been warned about a potential Ebola outbreak on their campuses this September as they prepare to accept thousands of Nigerian students. Universities UK, the body representing...
View ArticleFood, Spies & Sanctions
Now that it is not considered embarrassing to watch professional wrestling anymore, you may wonder, like myself, why WWE has gone with a storyline which places a Cold War setting between America and...
View ArticleTour Della Toscana
I'm just back from my summer holidays and after a brief hiatus from writing this blog, I'm happy to back so I can get writing again after what has been a fairly hectic time. In the last month or so,...
View ArticleStudents Should Avoid 'Swindle' That They're Better Off With a University...
Last week we saw the overall pass rate for A levels fall for the first time in 32 years, students who achieved lower grades are being told they have an opportunity to go to university after 30,000 new...
View ArticleDemocracy Reborn- Solving Disengagement
There is not so much a political landscape anymore as there is a political obstacle course. Public life is literally littered with barriers impeding public engagement in our 'democratic' system, and if...
View ArticleScotland Can be Independent, Scotland Should
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker I believe that Scotland should be independent. I believe that the fundamental principles of democracy...
View ArticleThe Ups and Downs of Being a Fashion Intern
The first phone call I made after graduating from high school was to a renowned Australian stylist asking whether I could become one of her interns. A week later I found myself working backstage at...
View ArticleThis Trust Fall Didn't End Well For This Teacher
Sometimes, there are videos in which you just know what's about to happen... but you have to watch them anyway. Welcome to one such video. (And: top marks for effort, sir.)
View ArticleThese Four Wildly Successful Young Professionals Ditched The A-Levels - And...
Countless freshers are currently poised to break out their new set of Wilkos pans, navigate the washing machine for the first time and blow their student loan on tequila shots. But university is by no...
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