Warwick University Students Join Attempt To Break Guinness World Selfie Record
Students at the University of Warwick are attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most selfies taken simultaneously across multiple venues. The students will join participants from...
View ArticleQueen's University Belfast Students Campaign For Poppy Ban
Students at a university in Northern Ireland are proposing a motion to ban the selling of poppies in their students union, saying it is a "divisive initiative". Queen's University Students' Union is to...
View ArticleThe 2015 Election Will Affect 16-year-olds as Much as 18-year-olds, So We...
Teenagers are as divided on politics as we are about music, films and football, though if there's one thing we generally agree upon, it's that we should be given a greater say. That's why even people...
View ArticleTop 10 UK Universities To Study Accounting and Finance
The Complete University Guide has revealed the Top 10 universities to study Accounting and Finance, which is a pretty handy guide for students who are looking to make that big step into higher...
View ArticleApprenticeships in the UK Music Industry
Working in the music industry is seen by young people as a dream career. Quite right! It is. There has never been a more diverse or technically challenging array of roles in music for young people to...
View ArticleRoyal Holloway Should Stop Burning Rubbish and Start Taking Responsibility
This week, Royal Holloway's E-zine announced, next to a smiley picture of the Principal, that the College was going 'Green', and no more waste from the campus would go to landfill. You would be...
View ArticleOxford University Union President Ben Sullivan Arrested On Suspicion Of Rape
The president of Oxford University's prestigious debating union has been arrested on suspicion of rape and attempted rape, it has been revealed. Ben Sullivan, who was recently embroiled in a scandal...
View ArticleA Quarter Of Final Year Students Take Study Drug Modafinil, Research Reveals
A quarter of final year students have tried the study drug modafinil, research shows, with 20% of students who have tried the drug admitting to using it daily. Oxford University has the highest number...
View ArticleStudents Use NFL-Style Draft To Pick Prom Dates
Students at a California High School could face disciplinary action after using an NFL-inspired draft to pick their prom dates. At Corona del Mar High School in Newport Beach (the location of the...
View ArticleThe EU Paradox
The European Union has facilitated uniting its 28 member states in order to achieve lasting peace, whilst the partnership has equally created economic success too. Through not only promoting democracy...
View ArticleWhy Should Young Adults Vote?
We can complain all we like about politicians and the state of the country but when it comes to voting its fair to say that we, as students, are not the most active of participants, many of us don't...
View ArticleWatch The Most Weird And Wonderful Promposals Ever
Prom is a big deal in America. A really Big Deal. So much so that asking your prom date out has become a whole event in itself. People even film themselves asking their prom dates out. Yeah, it's that...
View ArticleControversial Changes to the A Level Syllabus Just Distract From the Real Issue
The suggestion that young people can only engage with 'accessible texts' such as Caitlin Moran's Twitter feed and Russell Brand's testimony on drug use to a House of Commons committee is inexcusably...
View ArticleGlasgow Students Threaten Boycott Over 'Sexist' Supermax Nightclub Advertising
Students at a Scottish university are threatening to boycott a nightclub after its repeated use of "sexist, despicable" advertising. One member of Glasgow University's feminist society (GU FemSoc) told...
View Article'National Have A Pint With An Immigrant Day'. Yep, It's A Thing
The international students officer for the NUS and immigrant Daniel Stevens is organising a ‘National Have A Pint With An Immigrant Day’. Stevens, who is from Brazil and studied in the UK at the...
View ArticleWhat Is a Slut?
Slut is a word that is so often used in society. But what is it? How many people have actually really thought about what they mean when they say it? Most might think of it as relating only to a woman...
View ArticleJust What Are Study Drugs?
Study drugs hit the headlines recently after it was revealed a quarter of final year students took them, with 20% saying they used the drugs every day. A study earlier this year by one student paper...
View Article'I Feel Lost Without It' Teenagers Are 'Addicted' To The Internet, Research...
Many young people believe they could be addicted to using the internet, according to research. A new study reveals that high numbers of youngsters take gadgets such as laptops, tablets and smartphones,...
View ArticleMusician of the Week: Nottingham University Drop Outs Amber Run
The past year and half has been a whirlwind for Amber Run. They were picked up by BBC Introducing in Nottingham which led to them playing Reading and Leeds Festival and having a week of glory on the...
View ArticleYoung Entrepreneur Of The Week: Optician Asad Hamir Has Success In His Sights
Asad Hamir knows the optician business well. He worked from the age of 16 in his family's optician firm, went on to study optometry at university and is now the 28th in his family to enter the trade....
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