Lib/Lab Coalition? The Liberal Democrats Haven't Got a Clegg to Stand On
"I think they've changed". Such were the touching and heartfelt words of Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister when referring to the Labour party in a recent interview...
View ArticleIslamophobia Is Real
What is Islamophobia? It is an irrational fear and hatred of Muslims categorized as an identifiable group. Islamophobia is becoming an 'elephant in the room' - it is an actual phenomenon that has...
View ArticleAlternative Gap Year Ideas
You've either finished sixth form and cannot bear the thought of higher education for another year, or you're exhausted post-university and can't fathom entering the harsh and competitive world of...
View ArticleGovernment Urged To Introduce Suicide Awareness Education Following Tragic...
The government is being urged to provide education for young people about the dangers of self harm and suicide following the tragic deaths of two young men. An e-petition started by two women whose...
View ArticleBook Review: Tabish Khair, How to Fight Islamist Terror From the Missionary...
Do you remember some Muslims' violent reactions to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten's decision to print abusive cartoons of Mohammed in 2005? Or the early assumption by many sections of the media...
View ArticleThe Disorder of Student Life Can Easily Hide More Dangerous Disorders
The student lifestyle is often characterised by prioritising your budget for beer over bread, for living on a diet of microwave meals and Pot Noodle, for trying to convince yourself, and your...
View ArticleBradford University Students Want Vice Chancellor Imran Khan Sacked
Bradford students have called for Imran Khan to be sacked as vice chancellor of the university because he has not attended a graduation ceremony since 2010. Khan, who was appointed in December 2005,...
View ArticleTo Get Young People Employed - Be Niche and Be Compassionate
In 2005 I wanted to improve diversity in the TV and media industries. I saw that not enough people of colour were represented behind the scenes and not enough of their ideas came through to our...
View ArticleSochi's 'Gay Olympics' Tell Us More About Our Own Prejudices Than Russian...
In the past few weeks, the Western world has delighted in Russia's flamboyant - and allegedly rather gay - opening ceremony to the Sochi Winter Olympics. Slate magazine, following the lead of many...
View ArticleShould We Ban The Sun Because of Page 3?
This week at Swansea Students' Union, the union put forward a motion to ban the distribution and selling of The Sun and The Daily Star in the on campus shop. Honestly, I've always thought it would come...
View ArticleCambridge Students Fined For Bedwetting
Students at Cambridge University have been hit with more than £16,000 fines for theft, drunkenness, theft, drug taking and - bedwetting. The fines, which were issued between 2011 and 2013, were...
View ArticleThe Woes of Modern Dating
Tariq Jordan and Goldy Notay in 'Speed' "Nooooo," screams a friend as she accidentally swipes a dishy profile picture to the left. Those of you who have had any experience of the dating app Tinder are...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to the Editor of The Sun, David Dinsmore, Regarding Page 3
Dear Mr. Dinsmore, Am I being naïve to suppose that you will read this letter or that it will matter at all to you? Probably. Considering that 135,708 people have signed a petition asking you to do...
View ArticleIdris Elba, Paloma Faith, Rankin And Gizzi Erskine Search For The Next Big...
Four UK celebrities team up with global tech company to help real people unleash their potential. Visit for more details. Are you a budding musician, filmmaker, photographer...
View ArticleAre People 'Born Gay'?
Scientific studies recently showed that there is a link between sexuality and our genetics, but for something that is not a choice and is present from birth, was it really any surprise? And also, does...
View ArticleIn a Relationship: The Truth About Living With a Boy
This is one for the girls. Thinking about taking your relationship to the next level and moving in together? The truth is boys will be boys and that won't change even when you live together. After...
View ArticleGeneration Gap 2.0: Is There Any Reason to Panic?
A couple of months ago, a University assignment brought a long-disputed issue to my attention - the so-called 'generation gap'. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as 'a difference of attitudes between...
View ArticleEating to Death and Bad Arguments Against Paying for NHS Treatment; Or,...
Surely you must know the adverse effects of bad diet and no exercise. Why should the taxpayer pay for what is, ultimately, the exercise of your freedom of choice? This is the question that Jeremy...
View ArticleNick Clegg's Funniest Expressions (PHOTOS)
Nick Clegg has returned to a topic that made him public enemy number one amongst students - fees - rejecting the 'myth' around the high cost of going to university. Dismissing claims that costs of...
View ArticleStudent Life: The 8 Stages Of A Hangover
There is nothing worse than waking up after a great night out to a case of selective amnesia and a thumping headache. Questions fill your head and bile fills your throat: just what happened last night?...
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