Top Tips For Students Planning That Romantic Break
Valentine's Day is looming closer, and you best be prepared. If your plan is to wow the woman (or man) in your life and take them on a romantic break, then you've come to the right place. Student loans...
View ArticleThe Spiralling Cost of Higher Education Is Population Control By the Back Door
When weighing up the options for conceiving a third child, among the consideration for how much less sleep I will get, the inevitable stagnation of my career, the possibility of having to go through...
View ArticleYoung Entrepreneur Of The Week: Students Launch UK's First University...
When people think of students, they tend to think of lazy, pasty couch potatoes, and for some, that's pretty accurate. But students Max Kalu, David Bissell and Sean Lee Rice have broken the mould, and...
View ArticleThe People Don't Know Their True Power
Some of the students that made it work! Wednesday 5 February, National Voter Registration Day. Politics and students. Not exactly a frequent sight to see those two words in the same sentence. However,...
View ArticleTruth and Reconciliation - Learning About the Holocaust
The Huffington Post reported last week on new study findings that said that more than 80% of young people cannot name a single genocide since the Holocaust in World War Two. For our South London...
View ArticleDONT WALK
Don't walk: two words that most people would never associate with fashion, let alone a fashion show. Nonetheless, it is this very name that has become prominent in the small town of St Andrews,...
View ArticleWhy I Created the #LifeOfAMuslimFeminist Hashtag
A few weeks ago, I unintentionally created a hashtag whilst on a revision break. I was attempting to explain on Twitter the difficulties I'd faced as someone who identifies as both Muslim and Feminist....
View ArticleShould We Boycott the Sochi Winter Olympics?
The Cambridge Union Society's Press Officer, Oliver Jackson, argues why the UK and all other 87 nations currently participating should boycott the Sochi Winter Olympics. On Friday 7 February the 22nd...
View ArticleThe Ins And Outs of Sexuality
For anyone, it can be hard to understand and relate to another person. This is especially so when it comes to sexual orientation. The majority identify as heterosexual/straight, whatever your preferred...
View ArticleOnly Yes Means Yes
While it is clear to many of us that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, the difficulties in communication between the sexes is a subject that has never really been understood. Both men and...
View ArticleWhy Graduates Shouldn't be Afraid of Recruitment Agencies but nor Should They...
With these increased pressures and difficulty in ensuring a graduate job, more people are turning to recruitment agencies for help. Whatuni's Luke Harper, wrote for the Independent warning Students to...
View ArticleDrop Everything You're Doing and Join Your University's Model UN Team
Most professional and academic experience worthy of mentioning on your CV often implies lots of tedious hard work that can be quite unrewarding. If you are currently a student, you probably know all...
View ArticleWe Really Do Need to Talk About Education
I began my journey through education as a pupil on free school meals in an underfunded state school in a deprived borough of London. I came from a working-class background, neither of my parents went...
View ArticleMissing Student Patrick Halpin: Body Found In Leicester Square
Police searching for an Irish teenager who disappeared during a night out in London's West End have found a body. Patrick Halpin, 18, was last seen shortly after midnight on Wednesday when he left the...
View ArticleNational Student Pride Comes To London
A three-day National Student Pride festival is taking place in London this year for the first time. Despite humble beginnings at Oxford Brookes University in 2005, it has grown to become the biggest...
View ArticleThe Top Alternative Student Holiday Destinations
Fancy something different than the usual Ibiza, Magaluf or Thailand this summer? Get bragging rights over your mates by going somewhere on our list of the best alternative student holiday destinations.
View ArticleMuslim Free School In Derby To Be Permanently Closed, Department For...
A beleaguered Muslim free school which had been accused of enforcing hardline religious practice is to be closed amid concerns over the quality of teaching and curriculum, the Department for Education...
View ArticleWho Needs a Career Plan?
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" Yes it's great to live in the moment, go with the wind and be care-free. However, it never hurts to think a little bit further ahead !...
View ArticleLessons in Becoming a Young Entrepreneur: Learning How to Support Young Talent
As a young female entrepreneur, meeting other like-minded individuals has become the weekly norm. I have been lucky enough to talk to some of the most inspiring young people in the UK, and understand...
View ArticleSalford Police to Online Harasment Victims: 'Close Your Facebook Account'
A Greater Manchester Police force came under fire yesterday for appearing to downplay the seriousness of online harassment. In a Facebook status, GMP Salford East posted: "If you are being 'Harassed'...
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