Focus On Obesity In Schools May 'Unwittingly Encourage Eating Disorders',...
Schools over-emphasising the risks of being overweight could unwittingly be encouraging eating disorders, a leading child psychiatrist has warned.Dr Janet Walsh said a significant proportion of young...
View ArticleIncreasing Student Debt Is 'Perfectly Reasonable', According To George Osborne
Increasing student debt is "perfectly reasonable" according to George Osborne, who made his announcement in the face of revelations England's poorest students would be £10,000 worse off under the new...
View ArticleMental Health: Managing the Unmanageable
These are uncertain times for mental health sufferers. In increasingly austere times there is a danger that those with mental health problems are going to be left behind. As David Cameron announces an...
View ArticlePolice Wipe Criminal Record Of Conor McCarthy, Student Found With Cocaine In...
Scottish police were accused of having "social prejudices" after wiping the criminal record of a student found in possession of cocaine in order to "save his career". A row is brewing over how police...
View Article17 Signs You're A Young Person Ripe For Radicalisation
Much has been made of the government's Prevent Strategy, part of which requires teachers and lecturers to monitor their students for potential extremism activity. Concerns have been aired around what...
View ArticleDe Montfort Students of Barclay Street Achieve A Total Of 11 First Class Degrees
Employers should be looking to Barclay Street, Leicester, for their future recruits, where 11 students received first class degrees last week. The De Montfort University occupants of an all female...
View ArticleReflections of a Muslim Student: Cameron's Five-Year Plan
The more I hear government officials speaking on extremism and young people, the more I disagree with their ideas. As a young British Muslim student, this concerns me. Yesterday's speech left me...
View ArticleJeremy Corbyn Isn't Leading a Socialist Coup - He Genuinely Engages Labour's...
What a time to be a young adult. Fading chances of home owning. University becoming more and more unaffordable. No so-called 'living wage' (despite not actually being the independently approved living...
View ArticleKeep the Grants - They Are an Important Lifeline for Many
8 July was a day that, like many others who watched the Budget, left me feeling extremely dejected. I had been expecting the announcement to scrap student maintenance grants for about a month...
View ArticleTackling Taboos and Keeping Young People Safe: Why We Need Compulsory PSHE Now
For those of us campaigning for better sex education and PSHE in schools, the last seven days have brought mixed news. Good news came in the form of Caroline Lucas' Personal Social Health and Economic...
View ArticleGraduate Turned Away From Holiday Inn Express Because Staff Thought She Was A...
A student was turned away by the Holiday Inn Express because staff thought she was a Romanian prostitute, it has emerged. The hotel chain has apologised "profusely" after 22-year-old Alecsandra Puflea...
View ArticleCreative Ideas For A Budget Friendly Student Summer Holiday
One of the biggest downsides to being a student is three months of summer holiday and no cash to do anything with it, although it's the perfect time to track down internships or get ahead on next years...
View ArticleBristol University Refunds Students For 'Poor Living Conditions'
Bristol University was forced to refund money to a number of its students living in halls following "poor living conditions", including strangers entering bedrooms without permission, and unannounced....
View Article12 Feminist Societies You Should Join In Freshers' Week September 2015
The last year has been really positive for feminism. Despite the fact that there is still a long way to go, the stigma surrounding the movement has begun to crumble slightly and many people are now...
View ArticleWhy We Should All Give Upcycling a Chance
Upcycling: the latest ephemeral trend or a way of life? I think it could just be the latter. With more and more of us beginning to care about the mark we leave on this planet, upcycling is a perfect...
View ArticleHow Important Is Personality in Politics?
Whoever said that 'politics is show business for the ugly' was being disingenuous. The stars of BBC Parliament are far more image-conscious than the regulars of MTV. Simply watch Prime Minister's...
View ArticleFour Things Teachers Can Learn From Beyoncé
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles is a formidable entertainment icon. If you have time to sit and watch some of her live performances, you will look incredulously at the screen as she leaves an indelible image...
View ArticleWe're Paranoid About the Middle East - and Overlooking the Real Problems
Research carried out by Pew Research Center has discovered what the global community fears the most - climate change. Overall, concerns about the environment and how humans impact upon it were most...
View ArticleJosh Greenwood Gets Death Threats After Posting Video Showing Seagull Being...
A 22-year-old said he has received death threats after posting footage showing someone feeding a seagull a chip laced with white crystals, which is identified in the video as "ket" - short for the...
View ArticleUniversities Are More Concerned About Their Research Reputation Than Teaching...
Universities are more concerned about their reputation for research than they are about teaching students, a damning report has found. The Institute of Economic Affairs warned institutions are spending...
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