My Newsquest Journey
It was near the start of my second academic year and I'd decided to pull my socks up and get my act together. Regardless of living in Croydon for just a few months I decided to take the leap and get in...
View ArticleBritish School Leavers Are The Worst In Europe For 'Essential Job Skills'
School leavers in Britain are the worst in Europe for having the essential skills needed in entry-level business jobs, a survey has revealed. Two in five companies in the UK questioned in the research...
View ArticleGreece: Drama In Overtime
And so it happened. Greece. Default. Greeks are living rough and historic moments. Moments that their ancestors prayed for them not to live. As masks fall, and this intriguing game is coming to an end,...
View ArticleCancer: An Organised Person's Worst Nightmare
It's that time of year again when everyone seems to be planning something. Plans for summer, post-graduation, jobs and housing... plans of moving away, plans of coming back; talk about travel to...
View ArticleHow to Find Your First Job Following University
Looking for a job can be a job in itself. For recent graduates, the realities of working life are very different to what you'll have experienced at university. We spend around 70% of our waking hours...
View Article15 Money Hacks For A Cheap Festival
Car sharing, taking an old phone and making your own wellies for a pound are just some of the top money saving tips for festivals, according to experts. Luckily, the money-saving gurus at Promotional...
View ArticleThe Guardian Is Charging £559 For Its Student Summer School - While News UK's...
People are rather perturbed by The Guardian's announcement it would be putting on a summer school for teenagers - and charging them £559 for the privilege, while News UK provides similar training for...
View ArticleYoung People Being 'Exiled' From Their Own Neighbourhoods By Britain's...
Young people are being "exiled" from the places they grew up in because they cannot afford to live there, the communities secretary has warned, in yet the latest sign Britain's housing market is...
View ArticleBuilding Homes a Defining Test? Here's How You Can Pass It
Eric Pickles' replacement as the Department of Communities and Local Government, Greg Clark, is talking a good game. He's telling council leaders today that whether it can provide enough homes is a...
View ArticleMelbourne Church Apologises For Telling Female Teenagers Not To Hug Because...
According to a church in Melbourne, Australia, if a woman becomes physically close and hugs a guy for 20 seconds it will make her want to have sex with him. That's what a pamphlet distributed by the...
View ArticleUS Justice Department: Transgender Students Must Be Allowed To Use Toilets...
In a landmark win for the transgender community in the United States, the country's justice department has ruled students "must" be allowed to use toilets corresponding to their gender identity. The...
View ArticleAre Students Buying Essays?
Everyone knows what it's like when you first go to university: enjoying our new found freedom, drinking more than a little too much and becoming a pro at sitting through lectures with the worst...
View ArticleGoals That Make You Successful
Goals give entrepreneurs a direction and the motivation to achieve something. If we pick a goal that blocks us however, we might get there in the end but it will be a hard slog and can lead to bad...
View ArticleHope Can End Your Mental Health Suffering
My anxiety and depressive episodes in recent years have impacted upon my life considerably. But finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I write to offer a message of hope, a message that...
View ArticleLinkedIn - What I've Learned
Careers fairs, presentations, company meet and greets - as a student there are plenty of opportunities to meet potential employers or colleagues, and a huge amount of information available about moving...
View ArticleThe Far-Left Must Not Be Allowed to Politicise Identity
Following the Far-Left's controversial stance on the issue of Pride 2015 and Equal Marriage, the prominent Oxford-based group 'No HeterOx' - affiliated with a zine of the same name for Queer and Trans...
View ArticleTsipras - Hero of the Left or Just Reckless?
20th of June saw the London anti-Austerity protests as one of the largest London demonstrations in years, as people turned out to stand against Cameronn's austerity. This is not an isolated event -...
View ArticleStudent Builds His Own Tiny Home So He Can Live Debt-Free
You'd be forgiven for thinking Joel Weber was just another wealthy kid living the high life; at 25, he already owns a house, which he designed and had custom-made. Except Weber built his house. And...
View ArticleWhy Young Women NEED Better Medical Attention - Stop Blaming "Women's Troubles!"
"Women's Troubles" - The phrase that nearly killed me... I had been cluelessly in pain for two years. These two years were spent in and out of the doctors surgery with complaints of severe stomach...
View ArticleThe Detriment of TTIP
What is TTIP? Exactly. The controversial agreement will be voted on in European Parliament next week, having been debated on, protested against, and pushed for by top level corporations. The...
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