There's A 'Profoundly Worrying' Culture Of Sexual Harassment At Oxford...
There is a "profoundly worrying" culture of sexual harassment and groping at Oxford University, the head of one of the institution's colleges has warned. Dr Alice Prochaska, principal of Somerville...
View ArticleAberystwyth University Students Vote To Stop Supplying Bibles As It Made Them...
Aberystwyth University students have voted to stop supplying bibles in student halls as it made them feel "uncomfortable" and was an "inappropriate" move in such a multicultural institution. Despite...
View ArticleThe 9 Things You Should Know Before The First Holiday With Your Other Half
If this summer you're heading away on holiday for the first time with your girlfriend, it's probably best you know these things first.
View ArticleSeven Things I Wish I Had Known About My Teenage Daughter's Eating Disorder
"Your daughter has anorexia nervosa." My daughter Elena was seventeen years old when her psychiatrist told me this. At the time, I thought I understood her diagnosis. The articles I'd read linked...
View ArticleSikh Harman Singh Removes Turban To Help Injured Child Hit By Car
A young Sikh has been praised for abandoning religious protocol after rushing to aid an injured child who had been hit by a car. Harman Singh was in his Auckland home on Friday when he heard screeching...
View ArticleCosmic Cuties: This Teen's Feminist Cartoons About Bigger Women Are Amazing
Teenager Mikhaila Nodel has been making waves after her feminist cartoons, featuring the 'Cosmic Cuties' and focusing on stereotypes around body image, size and gender, hit headlines. The 16-year-old...
View ArticleSeven Top Tips To Write A Successful Exam Essay
Essay writing during an exam can be stressful for the most able of students. But mastering a good writing technique will help you to feel confident, stay calm and create a top-grade answer. Poppy...
View ArticleStudent Asked Police Chief's Daughter To Prom By Pretending To Be Dead And...
We've seen some pretty out there promposals (prom proposals to you and I), but this one really takes the biscuit. Teenager Elijah Williams from Maryland, US, has been with his girlfriend Marie Kasten...
View ArticleAlgerians Are Taking Leg Selfies After Student Was Banned From Exam For...
Algerian women are taking pictures of their bare legs in solidarity with a student who was banned from her exam for wearing a skirt which came above her knees. The unnamed woman was denied access to...
View ArticleTeen Owen Winter's Petition For Proportional Representation Reaches Downing...
A teenager's petition for proportional representation has reached Downing Street with the support of 220,000 members of the public, as well as the backing from MPs. Owen Winter has managed to win...
View ArticlePainfully Awkward Graduation Photos
With all the cap pinning, robe adjusting, and long lost family members, graduation pictures can get a little awkward. They've got nothing on these beauties though, which emerged thanks to...
View ArticleOxbridge System Failing Talented State School Pupils
"Education. Education. Education." This was the cornerstone of New Labour, a platform for unprecedented levels of social mobility, which helped prepare the way for Tony Blair's landslide victory in the...
View ArticleWhat Are the Welsh Assembly Elections and How Do They Affect You?
In recent weeks there has been much media attention surrounding the devolution of powers from Westminster to Scotland, and most of the credit for this goes to Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP. Surprisingly,...
View ArticleThe Cost of My Teenage Years as an Unrecovered Anorexic
When I was 13 years old, I lied to my parents in order to attend a party. The boy I was crazy about had asked me to go, and I felt grown-up and sophisticated to be invited. But as the party became...
View Article'Rigid' A-Levels And GCSEs Criticised By 'Exasperated' Eton Head
England's exams system has come under criticism from the head of Eton. Tony Little said GCSEs and A-Levels are like an "egg timer", squeezing a wealth of experience and learning through a "narrow...
View ArticleSize 12 Teen Told By Holland & Barrett Staff She Was 'Big For Her Age' And...
A size 12 teenager who asked Holland & Barrett staff for weight loss advice was almost reduced to tears after being told she was "big for her age" and must "just eat and eat and eat". Molly...
View ArticleNew SNP MP Mhairi Black Spent First Day In Parliament Studying For Her...
The SNP's newly elected 20-year-old MP has revealed she spent part of the first day of the new parliament in the House of Commons library studying for an upcoming politics exam. Mhairi Black, who...
View ArticleA Letter to David Cameron
Dear David Cameron, I have a message for you now that you have been re-elected as prime minister. I know that you are only a human being just like I am and I hope that my words might reach you and make...
View ArticleA Letter to My Younger Self
Dear Lizzie, You are 18 right now and probably sitting in your trackies stressing about uni work and when you are next going to get to see your long distance boyfriend. As much as you feel like you...
View ArticleProof That Home Is Where the Heart Is
My university days are officially over, and the past three years have flown by horrendously fast. Apart from receiving a 1st for my dissertation, the second most memorable part of my university...
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