Beach, Please
"When I have kids, I don't think I want to have a girl" I told my boyfriend over drinks. He looked up at me, surprised, as if I'd just told him that I no longer like brunch. He asked why, and I wanted...
View ArticleThe Mentality of Mental Health
Have you ever been lost? Maybe you were traveling to a new place that you had never been to before and took a wrong turn? Instead of turning right you turned left and found yourself wondering, where am...
View ArticleWorld Book Night
Sometimes it takes nothing more than a shocking statistic to spur you into action. You could see the number in a newspaper, on a bus, on a billboard. No matter the size, shape or length of the platform...
View ArticleMigrant Tragedy in the Mediterranean: Another Wake Up Call for the EU
Meron Semedar is a One Young World Ambassador from Eritrea who now lives and works in the United States. He regularly writes for One Young World and the Huffington Post about the issues affecting...
View Article#InMyShoes: The Prime Minister Wants You to be Homeless
David Cameron announced recently, that should his party win the general election in May, that 18-21 year-old's would no longer be entitled to housing benefit unless they can robustly prove that they...
View Article#InMyShoes: Cameron Promises 'Big Society' With Little Change
Anyone who's ever spoken to me for more than about five minutes will know that I'm a serial volunteer. I contracted the volunteering bug sometime around my 14th birthday and ever since, have lived and...
View ArticleThe World's Hardest Exam
Every year in the English summer, the newspapers are full of two things. The weather, and how exams are getting easier. First you have the obligatory story of someone with 7 A* at A-Level and 15 A* at...
View ArticleCharlie Hebdo Deserves the PEN Honour and Why the Critics are Wrong
PEN American Center has decided to give Charlie Hebdo a long overdue recognition - its Freedom of Expression Courage award. On its website, PEN justified its decision arguing, quite legitimately, that...
View ArticleBad Student Housing Destroys Mental Health and Dignity
A housing revolution is happening at my university: students at SOAS in London have been staging a rent strike. 150 residents at the university's halls (Dinwiddy and Paul Robeson) have withheld over...
View ArticleUnleashing Girls' Power: An Interview With Kennedy Odede
Unleashing Girls' Power: An Interview with Kennedy Odede. At the end of the invigorating and stimulating three day Skoll World Forum I met with Kennedy Odede, founder of Shining Hope for Communities,...
View ArticleWhy 'Milifandom' Proves the Voting Age Should Be Lowered to 16
Whilst the Scottish referendum did great favours for the reputation of 16- and 17-year-olds, 'Milifandom' is once again challenging the view that young people are uninformed and disengaged when it...
View ArticleBruce Was Right - Kids Are Adaptable and We Shouldn't Use Them as a Disguise...
Bruce Jenner's interview where he detailed his decision to transition from male to female was inspiring, informative and most importantly brave. By choosing to come out as transgender, Bruce has...
View ArticleElectoral Reform Is British Politics Next Big Challenge
The single worst response I hear when asking people who they're planning to vote for is "Labour to keep the Tories out" or whichever two parties it may be. In a democratic sense, it is genuinely sad...
View ArticleIt's Not Wrong to Be Right
I haven't always considered myself political. My left-wing students' union did its best to put me off politics and it was only when I started to pay tax that I began to start thinking seriously about...
View ArticleUS Election 2016 - Do Millennials Hold the Key?
Once again I attended the White House Correspondents Dinner and according to White House estimates there were 2,700 attendees most vying for their moment in the limelight. At this less star-studded and...
View ArticleThe House Believes in the Unconditional Right to Offend
Proposition Sam Deans Let's be clear on what this motion means outside the Cambridge Bubble. It indicates consent for a government to a) define offence and b) legislate against it. Here's why that's...
View Article#NotGuilty Oxford Student Launches Campaign With Open Letter To Shame 'Sex...
A young woman has launched an online campaign to shame a man she says sexually attacked her in a north London street, and who has since pleaded "not guilty" to the charges. Ione Wells, a 20-year-old...
View ArticleWhich Universities Have The Toughest Entry Requirements?
Some universities are harder to get into than others. But which ones ask for the highest marks? Sorted by UCAS points, the Complete University Guide's 2016 league table can give you an idea of which...
View ArticleWhy We Need Buffer Zones Around Abortion Clinics
There's nothing more annoying than upper-class white men who disagree with abortion based on some sort of Christian morality. (Of course by this I mean most people who disagree with abortion, but those...
View Article#InMyShoes: Your Voice, Your Choice
With 138 candidates in 18 constituencies across Northern Ireland contesting for their seat at the House of Commons at Westminster in the 2015 General Election, Northern Irish parties intend to be more...
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