So Now Degrees Are Getting Easier Too? HESA Report Reveals Fifth Of Students...
An increasing number of students are graduating from university with a first-class degree, with nearly one in five gaining top honours, according to official figures. The statistics, which also show...
View ArticleWhy It's Never Too Late To Do An Apprenticeship
Visit our new dedicated apprenticeship section, featuring a live jobs feed. Introducing this week’s apprentice.. Name: Laura Smith Age: 28 Job Title: Personnel Assistant Company: Thomas Dudley Limited...
View ArticleMusician Of The Week: Electronic Musician Billy Lloyd
| Are you a student musician or in a student band? Fancy appearing in our Student Musician of the Week series? Click here to find out more | Meet: Billy Lloyd, 20, Leeds College of Music student. How...
View ArticleWhy Not Ask the Teachers?
Michael Gove is not a popular education secretary. The fact that he has been the subject of a vote of no confidence from both of the major teaching unions stands as a testament to this. But then again,...
View ArticleQuarter Of Graduates Earn LESS Than Former Apprentices
More than a quarter of graduate employees earn less than workers who have completed an apprenticeship, official figures show. The figures showed that between April and June last year, 27% of graduate...
View ArticleHow Best to Use Flood Water? Dunk the Model
And the photographers, their cameras, and, now that I think about it, the morons who came up with the idea in the first place. That would certainly be one of the most satisfying, and constructive, uses...
View ArticleThe Strange Death of Liberal Adult Education
There has been much discussion recently about the expansion of higher education. David Willetts has claimed that he is close to honouring the aspirations of the 1963 Robbins report that 'courses of...
View ArticleThe 2014 Oscar Nominees Who Didn't Actually Want To Act...
Getting nominated for an Oscar is a pretty big deal in the acting industry. Some people slave away their whole lives trying to get in to the 'biz, let alone getting in the race to bag the big O. So you...
View ArticleLet's not Downgrade the Teaching Profession
In 2013 the number of teachers in England's state schools fell by 12,000 and the figure is since ever increasing. Teaching is a tough job but many did not expect a huge fall in teacher numbers in the...
View ArticleBenefits Street: Turning Anger Down the Right Path
As Alex Yeates wrote in his blog, the resentment for those depicted in the recently broadcast Benefits Street is tangible. I don't deny that acts of theft or fraud are wrong whatsoever, it would be...
View ArticleGender Equality in 2014
As Beyoncé writes that "gender equality is a myth", the case for feminism has been reopened in national media. The open letter, part of Maria Shriver's 'The Shriver Report: A Women's Nation Pushes Back...
View ArticleWATCH: THIS Is How To Hand An Exam Paper In Late
If you can get past the dubious fashion outfits, the bad quality video and the awful hair (curtains, we're looking at you), then you'll get a one minute tutorial on how to hand your exam paper in late....
View ArticleOur University Students' Unions Are Ideally Placed To Help No More Page Three...
At the end of last year Leeds and Kingston Universities took action to remove The Sun from their union outlets, bringing the number of students' unions officially endorsing the No More Page Three...
View ArticleFeminist Disney
When we think of Disney Princesses, we usually conjure up the classic princesses who are delicate, pretty and obsessed with finding their prince, who usually comes in the shape of a man in the peak of...
View ArticleNew Development in HR Frameworks Are Helping Us Retain Our Heritage in...
Apprenticeships have always played a very important part in our business. They are at the core of our recruitment process and have been for over 100 years. Quite simply, we wouldn't be the business we...
View ArticleBan Teaching Religion In School Alongside Evolution, It's 'Indoctrination,'...
Teaching pupils about creationism in science lessons is "indoctrination", according to Professor Alice Roberts. The TV presenter and new president of the Association for Science Education called for...
View ArticleFrom Average To A*: Five Best And Most Efficient Ways To Revise
Want to go from average to an A? Then head this way... We spoke to James Righetti from Elevate Education, a study skills provider, and he shared his best tips on how to revise efficiently. SEE ALSO: 39...
View ArticleAlice Roberts Says Teaching Children Creationism In Schools Is 'Indoctrination'
Teaching pupils about creationism in science lessons is "indoctrination", according to the new president of the Association for Science Education. Professor Alice Roberts has called for new laws...
View ArticleFive Good Reasons to Study Abroad
I would be lying if I said that back in September; I was thrilled about leaving my uni bubble in Birmingham and embarking on my year abroad in France. I spent hours compiling pros and cons lists...
View ArticleBrian Westby: A Review
It's a good job Forrest Reid didn't write to be famous. Almost seventy years after his death, his novels gather dust in libraries: unthumbed and unadmired. Highly thought of by friends like E.M....
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