Why Growing Up Just Sucks a Little Bit!
I have come to realise it, as I come ever closer to my 20th birthday this year, that whether I like it or not I am growing up and growing up is a funny thing. When you are young you wish to be 16, 17...
View ArticleNational Union of Students Launch Advertising Campaign Targeting Lib Dems Who...
A national advertising campaign demanding that the MPs who broke their 2010 promise to scrap university tuition fees lose their seats at the General Election has been launched by students. Billboards...
View ArticleGeneral Election 2015: Political Parties And Their Policies
The 2015 general election. It can all get a bit overwhelming. So many parties, so many policies, it's hard to get a grasp on what you need to know (especially when some of them seem so similar). SEE...
View ArticleAustralian Student Tommy Connolly Drops Everything To Give His Pregnant,...
A student athlete at the University of the Sunshine Coast has been bombarded with kind wishes from strangers after putting his life on hold to help his estranged cousin. Tommy Connolly, 23, hadn't seen...
View ArticleYoung Mums and Dads Postnatal Depression
We are optimistic that every youth worker will be trained in Perinatal Mental Health, knowledge is imperative when trying to spot the signs, giving support and offering understanding of the illness. We...
View ArticleThe Future of the 11-Plus Exam and How Tutoring Will Be an Answer
The 11-Plus exam has always courted a modicum of controversy during its time as a gateway to grammar school or private education. It was once looked upon as a divider of class so that the ones that...
View ArticleRhea Shannon's $54,000 Student Loan Debts Wiped By JP Morgan Chase And TAPS
Former student Rhea Shannon has been given a dream gift after her father's death left her struggling to repay her loans. Having co-signed on the loans with her father, Shannon was dependent on his help...
View ArticleGeneral Election 2015: So Who Exactly *Is* The Labour Party?
Politics can sometimes, well, feel a bit *whispers* boring. *Looks around to see if anyone heard..* I mean, there's a lot of policies and facts and whens and whats to wade through, and you'd be...
View ArticleInternships 'Privilege' Those Who Can Afford To Work Unpaid, Says National...
Post-graduation, many twenty-somethings intern in the hope of securing a job for the future. But national campaign Intern Aware has warned that graduates struggling to support themselves financially...
View ArticleThe Green Party Manifesto Tells the Real Story of This Election
Stories win elections. A successful party must lay out a narrative that describes where we've come from, why we are where we are now, and, with a bit of luck, where we are going. The Green Party...
View ArticleAmandla Stenberg Gives A Lesson In Cultural Appropriation
Amandla Stenberg has given an impassioned and succinct lesson to the world on cultural appropriation. The 'Hunger Games' actress outlines how the proliferation of white artists exhibiting the styles...
View ArticleMost Young People Didn't Vote - What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind
I'm going to tell you a quick story. A true story. It's a story about what happened when young people stopped voting. Once upon a time (think 'the last three elections') most young people in the UK...
View ArticleAn Insight Into a Volunteer's Life - Hamble Lifeboat
The word 'Volunteer' usually scares a lot of us aware from the instant notion that you won't be paid for your time. However, for some people it is what drives them to be motivated in life and for the...
View ArticleI Don't Need Fixing...
"...let the sidewalks remain in disrepair. Instead, in the transhumanist age we're now in, let's work to repair physically disabled human beings, and make them mobile and able-bodied again." American...
View ArticleThe NUS Should Be Ashamed of Their Latest Advertising Campaign
The National Union of Students (NUS) recently unveiled their latest campaign to oust MPs who have broken their promises. More specifically, it is a targeted campaign to attack those who broke their...
View ArticleChallenging the Idea of a Hyper-Social University Experience
It seems most people's perception of student life is that it consists of a huge group of hyper social individuals going from party to party without a care in the world. As I come towards the end of my...
View ArticleHear Us Out: Five Narratives From a Young People's Political Debate That we...
In the run up to the general elections, talk of the political engagement levels among the younger generation is hot on the tip of many tongues within the political arena. Accusations of apathy,...
View ArticleSuffering From Political Schizophrenia? Tech to the Rescue!
Whos-Bored.com - Let's Make Politics F***ing Awesome!Whos-Bored.com is on a mission to break through the yawn barrier of British politics and turn apathy into action!Posted by Hands up who's Bored on...
View ArticleForget Me Not: The Legal Right to Be Forgotten
Do you fancy your grandchildren being able to see that Saturday night pic from your student days in thirty years time? Your great-grandchildren or even their friends? What do you think happens to all...
View ArticleYou Can't Have a Big Society in a Small State
In the past week, we've seen four new election manifestos - but with both Labour and the Tories struggling to make any kind of decisive poll gain, some old ideas are rearing their heads. The Tories,...
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