WATCH: Shit Students Say (YOUTUBE VIDEO)
"I should really do some work at some point.."*two minutes later*.. "I think I deserve a break. Pub?" Students say a lot of shit. That's why this Shit University Students Say extravanganza is bang on...
View ArticleWATCH: Professor Plays Cruel Prank On Chemistry Students (YOUTUBE VIDEO)
If you're a mature student who could pass off as a science professor then you may as well take advantage of it. Which is exactly what this mature chemistry student did on the first day back. SEE ALSO:...
View ArticleLindsay Lohan Dating Liverpool Student And Model Christian Arno Williams?
It seems bagging yourself a student is the latest must-have arm candy; Cheryl Cole snogged one on New Year's Eve, Emma Watson's dating an Oxford rugby boy and now LiLo's jumped on the bandwagon too....
View ArticleLOOK: Anonymous Graphic Design Students Create Inspiring Chalkboard Quotes...
A group of anonymous students, who go by the name of Dangerdust, have become an internet sensation after creating a new inspirational chalkboard for their college every week. The group, who study at...
View ArticleIs It Time for Schools to Tackle Eating Disorders, as Equal to Obesity and...
Back at secondary school - over a decade ago - I can't recall eating disorders ever being spoken about. There were no lessons or assemblies on the issue, nor any resources available. Eating disorders...
View ArticleDartmouth Student Dances His Way Across China In 100 Days (VIDEO)
Some people document their study abroads with detailed travel scrapbooks or with a wealth of photos on Instagram or Tumblr. Others dance. Dartmouth College student Jake Gaba filmed himself dancing all...
View ArticlePolice Pay Out £20k To Students Wrongly Arrested At Tuition Fees Protest (VIDEO)
Two students who were arrested, strip-searched and charged for violence at a tuition fees protest have been compensated £20,000 by police after officers' testimonies were proved to be inconsistent....
View ArticleRussell Brand Tells Cambridge University Students: Shut Up Harry Potter Poofs
Russell Brand has continued his foray into politics, this time following an appearance at Cambridge Union, where he told students to "shut up you Harry Potter poofs". Topshop boss Philip Green didn't...
View Article'You Don't Know You're Born' and Other Tales of the Hopeless Youth of Today
We are in crisis. We are going to be less wealthy than our parents. We are all materialistic. We will not be able to buy a house. We are all lost and confused. We are too lazy to rebel. We are all...
View ArticleEdward Snowden: Friend or Foe?
The right to privacy is a human right, but what exactly does this right entail? This is not easily explained. While the US constitution places limits on the government's ability to intrude on...
View ArticleMind the Gap: The Bikini Bridge Isn't a Harmless Hoax
The Internet is notoriously a place of tricksters. From Photoshopped pictures to embellished social network profiles, to more sinister kinds of personality fraud, the World Wide Web can be a tangle of...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to Mark Grist
A friend of mine recently sent me the video for Mark Grist's spoken word poem "Girls Who Read". I know that it's been around for a while but I was quite surprised upon finding worryingly few negative...
View ArticleBenefits Street - The Best Argument Against Further Austerity
It was fitting on the day that Channel 4's documentary Benefits Street aired its first episode, Chancellor George Osborne announced a further round of £25 billion worth of spending cuts. Coming mostly...
View ArticleLiving Dolls or Just Living?
On Monday evening at 10pm, Channel 4 aired the documentary Secrets of Living Dolls. The programme showed some insight into adult males in America who like to dress up in rubber body suits and masks...
View ArticleFeminism Isn't For Men Too - In Fact, It's Not For Women Either
Have you ever read something you think is so outrageously wrong you have to correct it? Well, that feeling overwhelmed me when I read fellow Huffington Post UK blogger Jack Fletcher's post entitled...
View ArticleWhat Is Neknominate? Meet The Crazy New Drinking Game Dominating Facebook
Move aside milking, champagning, McDiving; the next big thing is neknominate, a drinking game born in Australia and taking social media platforms by storm. The challenge consists of filming oneself...
View ArticleThe Ultimate Collection Of 50 Things Only Students Will Understand
There are a lot of things students do that the wider world simply can’t understand. Apparently going out at least four times a week isn’t really normal? We've teamed up with StudentUniverse, a travel...
View ArticleWATCH My Philosophy For A Happy Life: Inspirational Student Sam Berns, Who...
Sam Berns was a 17-year-old student from Massachusetts who dreamt of playing in his high school's marching band. But, unlike other students, he was diagnosed with the rare, rapid ageing disease...
View ArticleEx-EDL Leader Tommy Robinson's Talk On Tolerance To Schoolchildren Cancelled
A school which booked the former leader of the English Defence Tommy Robinson, who has a criminal record for violence and fraud, to talk to schoolchildren on tolerance has cancelled his visit following...
View ArticleShould Campus Smoking Bans Start Including E-Cigarettes?
Most college students today don't know what it's like to be able to burn a cigarette on campus, but if current trends continue, they may not know what it's like to use an e-cigarrette at school either....
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