What Are The Political Parties Offering Young People?
The youth vote is an untapped gold mine. As a thinktank recently put it, the party who manages to tap into the vast pool of three million young people who have yet to decide who to vote for, "may just...
View ArticleGeneral Election 2015: What Do Students Want From Our Next Government?
Under 25s are a three million-strong voice and have the power to drastically impact on all of the political parties' fortunes this coming general election on May 7. The huge influence of young people...
View ArticleThe Bad News Is Youth Unemployment Is Rising
The recent ONS figures for the September to November 2014 quarter show general unemployment is down. This is fantastic news, of course, and it rightly gained much positive coverage. But what's not so...
View ArticleBloods and Crips-Themed Edinburgh Club Night Smacks of White Privilege
The refusal by promoter Simon Bays to apologise for, or even acknowledge, the arrogant white privilege masquerading as irony in the 'Bloods versus Crips' theme is truly astounding. Bays' disdainful and...
View ArticleAdvice For Young Journalists Trends On Twitter, Just Take It With A Pinch Of...
Today's job market is tough and journalism is no exception - take it from us. Just getting a foot in the door somewhere can be a struggle, the competition is crazy and even when you get a job you can't...
View ArticleNewsquest Newspapers Are Actually Charging Students £120 To Write Stories For...
A newspaper group is giving hopeful young journalists the "exciting" experience of working on its publications - but instead of paying them, is charging the students £120 if they want their articles...
View ArticleChinese Students Thrown Out Of Model UN Following Taiwan Dispute
A number of Chinese delegates were thrown out of a Harvard Model United Nations meeting after they protested against the listing of Taiwan as an independent country. The students were attending the...
View ArticleI'm Reluctantly Tiptoeing Towards Tinder In Time For Valentine's Day..
Valentine's Day: if you're single, it's depressing and if you're in a relationship it's an expensive waste of money. Either way, it's unavoidable, especially considering the dominance of social media....
View ArticleHuffPost's Skills Space Event: The BBC, Edelman, Microsoft, TfL, Cabinet...
It's totally true. Welcome to the live blog of our first ever Skills Space event, bringing together employers from across the spectrum to talk about the apprenticeships they offer - and what they look...
View ArticleWho Is There for Young People to Vote For?
Politicians have put real emphasis on the power of the 'young voter' for this general election. With the Lib Dem student stronghold shattered by their sell-out in the coalition, the realm of the young...
View ArticleThe Internet: Friend or Foe?
The glorious World Wide Web, oh how I love thee. Thank you for always providing me with the latest news and stories from across the globe. Thank you for allowing me to stay in contact with friends in...
View ArticleTax Justice Is a Matter of Power, Not Ethics
*Andrea Binder [2014] is a Gates Cambridge Scholar at the University of Cambridge doing a PhD in Politics and International Studies. Picture credit: zirconicusso and http://www.freedigitalphotos.net....
View ArticleCambridge Doesn't Have a Reading Week: Here's Why I'm Taking One Anyway
Lots of universities in the UK have a reading week. It's a time for students to take a bit of a break, to catch up on their work, and maybe even have some fun! Not everyone works really hard in their...
View ArticleStudent Kate Archibald Goes Up Three Dress Sizes After Eating Thousands Of...
A student who was left confused after going up three dress sizes realised she was gorging on calorific food during her sleep, thanks to a rare eating disorder. Kate Archibald, a 20-year-old Aberdeen...
View ArticleUCL Students Covered Themselves In Oil For An Orgy.. As Part Of Fossil Fuel...
Half-naked students dripping in oil stormed the corridors at University College, London on Tuesday - all in the name of climate change. Protesters labelled UCL’s relationship with oil industry giants,...
View ArticleYoung Entrepreneur Of The Week: Micro Brewer Sam Ward, Of Tweed Brewing Company
We all come up with some crazy ideas in the pub after a drink too many. Solution to world poverty? Flawless! Text that ex? Great idea! New business venture? Guaranteed to succeed. But the thought of...
View ArticleKFC Customers Shocked At Finding Chicken Parts In Their Fried Chicken
A US teen has finally received a refund from fried chicken giant KFC after finding what he thought was a brain in his lunch. Manuel Cobarubies, a Stockton High School student, told FOX40: "(It looked)...
View ArticleAlcohol-Free Freshers Will Be Offered ‘Dry' Halls By Scottish University
Students at St Andrews University will be able to apply to live in tee-total accommodation from next year, as the institution aims to cater for those whose religion or health means they cannot drink....
View ArticleWhat I Want From the Government
When I was asked: "Chayya, what do you want from the government?" I found myself struggling to give an answer. There are so many things that I want, but in my heart, I know that none of them will be...
View ArticleGeneral Election 2015: What Do Ethnic Minorities Want From Politicians?
Despite making up more than 14% of the UK population, black, asian and minority ethnics (BAME) have been left feeling invisible and ignored by the government. Only 4% of Parliament is comprised of MPs...
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