National Voter Registration Day: The Definitive Guide On How To Register To...
Registering to vote is never going to be a thrilling endeavour. But tomorrow is *cue fanfare* National Voter Registration Day. Pretty much does what it says on the tin. So what better way to celebrate...
View ArticleFree the Nipple vs Page Three
As a recent supporter of the 'Free the Nipple' campaign, I initially had conflicting feelings about the campaign against page three. Firstly, I thought well there's no censorship on the models nipples...
View ArticleYear 9 Banter Is The Best Thing On Twitter
Year 9 is a crazy time, man. Picking your GCSE subjects, getting braces, being drunk for the first time. Things can get pretty hairy out there... It's no wonder these kids have gone wild. Meet Ben....
View Article'Drive Down Teen Radicalisation With Better Religious Teaching', Says Top RE...
Better education of commonalities and differences between religions and non-believers could help prevent vulnerable young people from being radicalised, a senior figure in the teaching profession has...
View ArticleYoung People Get Made Redundant Too! Facing Redundancy in Your 20s
One in seven British employees has lost their job since the beginning of the recession in 2008, but when I was being made redundant at 23, all the advice and personal stories I could find were aimed at...
View ArticleToday, Let's Show the Country That Young People Aren't 'Apathetic' or 'Lazy'
Politicians are motivated primarily by re-election. That shouldn't be a surprise to you (even though we can all agree- morally, it's not great!) This means that our decision-makers write policies for...
View ArticleUniversities Minister Greg Clark Says Student Loan Repayments Are Less Than A...
Universities minister Greg Clark told students not to worry about racking up £27,000 of debt, because paying it back costs less than a daily cup of posh coffee. "If you earn £30,000 as a graduate, you...
View Article#TimeToTalk: I Thought This Was 'Normal' - Until I Was Admitted to Hospital
I was 14 when I was first admitted into an adolescent psychiatric unit. When I was sitting in hospital I finally realised that there was something seriously wrong. It was only the week before the...
View ArticleDomino's Is Giving Away Free Pizza To Make Students Register To Vote
Domino's is giving free pizza away to students in Liverpool who register to vote, while one university is offering, er, goat petting. The students' union at UEA is offering a herd of goats up for...
View ArticlePlanned Demonstrations Against Far-Right Marine Le Pen's Address At Oxford Union
Pressure is mounting from student and anti-fascist groups for debating society The Oxford Union to pull the plug on a debate tonight featuring Front National leader Marine Le Pen. The university's...
View ArticleBy Denying the Existence of Transphobia, Germaine Greer Reconfirms Its Existence
It can feel ironic when someone embodies the thing they are trying to convince us doesn't exist. Like when people hurl sexist insults at those who fight sexism, or racist slurs at people speaking out...
View ArticleRecent Graduate Job Figures Belie a Bleaker Reality
The recent positive news from the graduate labour market belies an uncomfortable reality for a significant portion of today's graduates. Figures published last week by High Fliers Research estimates...
View ArticleIt's Time to Talk About Mental Health
Mental health is misunderstood in our society. Most people who are aware that mental health exists usually think it's synonymous with mental illness, and see mental illness as something awful and...
View ArticleIs the Burqa a Tool of Repression or a Woman's Choice?
In 2015, different cultures are celebrated - rightfully. People of different religions, races, nationalities all live side by side, the majority of whom welcome the diversity. There is one question...
View ArticleNew Universities Report By Which Claims Student Course Change Contracts...
Damning new evidence revealed today by a consumer research body has exposed alleged serious breaches of consumer law by UK universities. Three in every 10 universities were found to be using "unfair...
View ArticleRedefining the Engineering Brand
The career I have chosen has a branding issue. Increasingly, I've found people can't identify with what I do, despite the products of my profession's work being all around them. I am frequently...
View ArticleDurham's Student Paper, Palatinate, Gives A Lesson In How To Make A Front Page
Durham University's newspaper truly has set the bar for student subs, and even put national media to shame, with its latest front page splash. Palatinate led its latest issue, published on Thursday,...
View ArticleStudent Ali Bunney Froze To Death After Walking Four Miles Along Dual...
A Cardiff University student froze to death after he walked four miles along a dual carriageway without a coat following a alcohol-fuelled night out, a coroner has ruled. Jason Bunney, who was known to...
View ArticleObstructed But Undeterred: Far-Right French Leader Speaks Out At Oxford Union
Marine Le Pen may have been temporarily impeded by security fears and more than 200 demonstrators, but the Front National leader was last night finally able to give an impassioned address to students...
View ArticleOne In Three Key Candidates Standing In General Election Is Privately Schooled
Nearly a third of candidates standing for parliament at the next general election has been privately schooled - compared to 7% of the UK population. A study by the Sutton Trust found 31% of new...
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