Government Launches Initiative To Send 25,000 Students To India By 2020
The government wants to send 25,000 students to India for work placements by 2020 - as part of a new initiative in partnership with the British Council. Starting from 2015/16, the campaign 'Generation...
View ArticleBeing Sociable And Speaking French Will Help Land You A Job, Apparently
Being sociable and speaking French are two attributes that could help a graduate land their first job, according to a survey. It also claims that writing a blog and volunteering can help those looking...
View ArticleA Different Middle East
This particular entry to my blog has been one I have given a lot of thought to. Not that I give my other stories any less thought but rather this entry I have found to be evolving at a pace I can't...
View ArticleThe Struggle for Values - In and Out of the Modern Job Market
*Farhan Samanani [2013] is doing a PhD in Social Anthropology with the support of a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. 'Do what you love', we are told. But what if 'what we love' just isn't hiring? And what...
View ArticleShould the Private Tutoring Industry be Regulated?
It is fast becoming one of the most popular jobs in the UK - and if the recent figures are true, the industry is now one of the most popular career choices out there. Sounds appealing: be your own...
View Article7 Questions All Interns Ask Themselves
Whether you're a keen student or stay-at-home graduate you'll soon come to learn internships become a bit, well, samey. Even if you spend time in a number of jobs that seem entirely different,...
View ArticleStudent Serena Bowes Was Raped On A College Trip To Italy. So Why Is SHE...
A student who claims she was raped while on a college trip in May faces extradition to Italy, and possibly jail, on the grounds she is accused of fabricating the allegation. If found guilty, Serena...
View ArticleTheo Paphitis: 'A Degree Guarantees Nothing Bar Landing Youths In Debt And...
Theo Paphitis is a man passionate about business - whether it's his or someone else's, the former Dragons Den star is championing entrepreneurship, but says he's still got his work cut out. Times have...
View ArticleShould We Support Russell Brand's Revolution?
Wikimedia Commons I've always had mixed feelings about Russell Brand. I applaud his recovery from drug abuse and his subsequent dedication to helping others and changing our laws on drugs. He seems to...
View ArticleParliament Week Launches With A UK-Wide Programme To Get Young People To Vote
Politics, particularly among society's youths, has never been the subject to such levels of disillusionment as it is today. The closer we creep towards the next general election, the more volatile the...
View ArticlePythagoras Alone Won't Help Our Children Build a Successful Career
Hardly a month goes by without a report telling us how bad UK children are at maths. Year after year we're told we're not trying hard enough; not applying ourselves; we're falling behind in the league...
View ArticleThe Christian Students Giving Religion A 'Tolerance' Makeover
Throughout November, The Huffington Post UK is featuring its Beyond Belief series, chronicling the remarkable lives of Britons who've taken on their faith to create a force for change. Among most young...
View ArticleFive Teens Killed In 'Horrific' Car Pile-Up Tragedy
Five teenagers have died in a horrific collision which may have involved up to three cars, in foggy conditions on Saturday night. Megan Storey, 16, Arpad Kore, 18, Blake Cairns, 16, Bartosz Bortniczak,...
View ArticleYoung Voters Are Left Disconnected From Our Political System by the...
With less than six months to go, next year's general election seems to be getting nearer and nearer. Newspaper and TV headlines are dominated by the rise of Ukip, Tory defectors and the questionable...
View ArticleDazed Magazine's Very Large Sex Survey Shows What Young People Are Doing In...
From dating apps and selfies to snapchats - technology has infiltrated the lives of today's youths, earning them the moniker of "digital generation". Apparently this generation swipes right to get...
View ArticleEwe, Gross. Student Has Sex With Sheep In University Barn - Because He Was...
A student caught having sex with a sheep in his university's barn blamed his beastiality on being "stressed" with his exams - and even had the shear audacity to deny his guilt despite being literally...
View ArticleBristol University's Advice On What To Do If You Find A Trans Person In The...
The University of Bristol's LGBT+ Society has issued a series of steps for concerned members of the public who find themselves in the same public bathroom as a trans person. Here they are: Post by...
View ArticleStudent Brooks Powell Develops Pill To Cure Hangover
Thrive isn't just the name of Arianna Huffington's latest book, it's also a pill developed by a US student which claims to cure hangovers - before they've even started. Princeton University student...
View ArticleMy Three Top Travel Secrets From A Tour of New Zealand
The world's finest adventure playground with sweeping mountain panoramas, bright white beaches, unbelievable city skylines; go see the reflections of Lake Wanaka they'll tell you, swim with the...
View Article7 Signs You're A Brunel University London Student
Brunel University London is in London, but not quite. An hour from central London and yet a world away on its own campus, Brunel is known for its community atmosphere. From Fresher's to F.A.C.E., to...
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