Street Harassment: London vs. Paris
This week, the world appeared to be shocked when a video created by anti-street harassment organisation Hollaback surfaced. It showed a female actor walking through the streets of New York for 10...
View ArticleReflections On the One-Child Policy (by a sibling-less teenager)
The People's Republic of China has seen significant economic and political changes since its establishment in 1949. Confronted by issues such as overpopulation, the government of China has ruled in its...
View ArticleWe Need to Better Prepare Young People for Life and the World of Work
As someone who, when younger, was often too shy to join in a private conversation with a small group of people, I would never have believed that I would go on to become the first ever Youth...
View ArticleOxford Uni To Hold Consent Workshops Specifically For LGBTQ Students
Oxford University's student union is to hold sexual consent workshops specifically aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning couples, as mainstream consent classes are "not made" for...
View ArticleHarvard University Holds 'Anal 101' Sex Classes
As part of its annual sex week, Harvard University will be hosting an anal sex 101 class, called "What What in the Butt". But there's no need to fear about being bottom of the class as it's merely to...
View ArticleStudents Plan To Buy £6m Dall Estate Castle - So Asylum Seekers Can Live There
A group of students are attempting to raise enough money to buy a £6m Scottish castle - so they can give it to asylum seekers to live in. The group, from Aberdeen University, want the 38-bedroomed Dall...
View ArticlePoor Uni Students 'Less Likely To Graduate With A Good Degree'
Poor university students are more likely to drop out and less likely to graduate with a good degree, even if they started their course with similar grades to their richer peers, according to research....
View ArticleBeautiful Picture Of Mother Breastfeeding Her Baby At Her Graduation Goes Viral
Jacci Sharkey, 24, proudly posed for a picture while she was breastfeeding her six-week-old son at her university graduation. With Sharkey's permission, The University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia...
View ArticleThe Comments Under Amazon's 'Delicious Women's Phd Darling Sexy Costume' Are...
A delicious women's PhD darling sexy costume, you say? What a wonderful idea! Except, it kind of really isn't..
View ArticleFour Days in Budapest
Hey, you there! Are you HUNGARY for an adventure? 'Cos you're being nothing Budapest! etc etc. Okay, let's face it; when it comes to Budapest, the pun opportunities are pretty decent. But surprisingly,...
View ArticleDiplomats in Robes
*Todd Tucker [2012] is a Gates Cambridge Scholar doing a PhD in Development Studies focusing on international economic dispute settlement. Picture credit: renjith krishnan and...
View ArticleWhat Can a Backpacker Learn From a Duck in a Bar?
A duck walks into a bar and says 'get me a beer...Water's been on my back all day'. The duck who joined the Northern Irish boys on their motorcycle tour of Vietnam hit national headlines a few weeks...
View ArticleSomeone Has Made Modern-Day Mr Men Characters. And They're Amazing
Farewell Mr Bump, so long Little Miss Brainy, it's time to move over for millennial Mr Men. Say hello to Little Miss Underemployed, Mr Student Loan Debt and Mr Personal Brand. The genius, if slightly...
View ArticleNational Stress Awareness Day: Young People Are Worried About Looks, Eating...
Three quarters of young people worry about how they look, with 60% fretting about what they eat, while nearly half are concerned about their mental health, new research has revealed. A whopping 91% of...
View ArticleTeacher Resigns After Trip To Kenya. Because Ebola
A teacher has resigned from a school in America following a trip to Kenya - ie, a country not affected by ebola - because parents were concerned she could have contracted the disease. The Kentucky...
View ArticleSir Ian McKellen Does Gandalf Again. And Yes We're Still Going To Watch It
We all know what's coming; Sir Ian McKellen - aka all-time legend - gives students lecture, tells them they have to revise, tells them what will happen if they don't revise. This time it was Students...
View ArticleBelgium University Serves Up Worm Nuggets
Forget beans on toast, or Pot Noodles, one university in Belgium is serving up worm nuggets - because they're nutritious. The nation was granted approval to sell insect-based produce last year, and the...
View ArticleNUS Kicks DJ Out Of Conference For Playing Blurred Lines
The National Union of Students gave a DJ the boot from its annual conference after he played Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines - a song which has previously been slammed for its "misogynistic" tones. The...
View ArticleMaking Loans Work for Students, Not the Other Way Round
This blog is by Juan Guerra. Juan is a One Young World Ambassador from Mexico and the CEO of StudentFunder. He was a delegate speaker during the Education Plenary Session at the 2014 Summit in Dublin....
View ArticleThe Living Wage and Students' Unions
After an incredible, but long struggle, last week news broke that staff at the Ritzy Cinema in London will now be paid the wage they've been fighting for, and no staff will face redundancies. Over the...
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