Banging on about democracy is one thing and actually implementing it fairly is another. Whether it's "why young people don't vote" or the call for "the ban on the niqaab" being discussed, those representative of the groups in question are not given the opportunity to have their say.
Taking my first point on why young people don't vote. This question is always in the public domain and we hear politicians and commentators talk about disengagement but yet nobody has offered a real explanation or an achievable solution.
The only people that can offer a solution is young people themselves. Politicians and the media continually ignore the views of young people. Young people need to be listened to and their opinions need to be taken seriously. Perhaps that may encourage young people to vote instead of middle-aged men speculating as to why they think voter turn-out amongst under 24's is so low.
Giving young people the opportunity to engage in debates and allowing them the platform to speak publicly through the media will certainly improve voter turnout. I have campaigned strongly for the voting age to be lowered to 16 which will result in making Britain more democratic and engaged with the young people of the nation.
The call for banning the niqaab (veil) is a debate that we have heard time and time again. Yet how many times have you actually seen a woman wearing a niqaab on a panel discussing the issue? I don't understand how you can have a "fair" debate on an issue without the other party being present; it defies the objective of a debate.
Another point in relation to the last is the representation of Muslims in the media. When an unfortunate incident occurs the media often look at Islam and Muslims. However, Muslims are not given the opportunity to put their views across to the public. Instead media corporations such as the BBC provide hate clerics a platform to express their malevolent views.
Debates on State education are often carried out by politicians that are privately and Oxbridge educated. Someone who was part of the Bullingdon Club is extremely unlikely to know what it's like to go through State education. I cannot think of a better way other than to listen to the teachers and students in state education to decide how our schools can be improved.
It's the same with the NHS. How often do you see a doctor or a nurse given the opportunity to discuss their thoughts? NHS staff work tiresome hours to ensure the best quality patient care possible, yet nobody wants to listen to what they have to say. How can anyone who sits on their high-horse in Westminster possibly know the struggles NHS doctors and nurses have to bear?
Unfair representation seems to be apparent in every issue. I understand we have democratically elected politicians to represent the views of their constituents but that does not mean we shut out the public. Politics is far too important to be left to politicians alone. It's not al about working for society it's about working with society.
Taking my first point on why young people don't vote. This question is always in the public domain and we hear politicians and commentators talk about disengagement but yet nobody has offered a real explanation or an achievable solution.
The only people that can offer a solution is young people themselves. Politicians and the media continually ignore the views of young people. Young people need to be listened to and their opinions need to be taken seriously. Perhaps that may encourage young people to vote instead of middle-aged men speculating as to why they think voter turn-out amongst under 24's is so low.
Giving young people the opportunity to engage in debates and allowing them the platform to speak publicly through the media will certainly improve voter turnout. I have campaigned strongly for the voting age to be lowered to 16 which will result in making Britain more democratic and engaged with the young people of the nation.
The call for banning the niqaab (veil) is a debate that we have heard time and time again. Yet how many times have you actually seen a woman wearing a niqaab on a panel discussing the issue? I don't understand how you can have a "fair" debate on an issue without the other party being present; it defies the objective of a debate.
Another point in relation to the last is the representation of Muslims in the media. When an unfortunate incident occurs the media often look at Islam and Muslims. However, Muslims are not given the opportunity to put their views across to the public. Instead media corporations such as the BBC provide hate clerics a platform to express their malevolent views.
Debates on State education are often carried out by politicians that are privately and Oxbridge educated. Someone who was part of the Bullingdon Club is extremely unlikely to know what it's like to go through State education. I cannot think of a better way other than to listen to the teachers and students in state education to decide how our schools can be improved.
It's the same with the NHS. How often do you see a doctor or a nurse given the opportunity to discuss their thoughts? NHS staff work tiresome hours to ensure the best quality patient care possible, yet nobody wants to listen to what they have to say. How can anyone who sits on their high-horse in Westminster possibly know the struggles NHS doctors and nurses have to bear?
Unfair representation seems to be apparent in every issue. I understand we have democratically elected politicians to represent the views of their constituents but that does not mean we shut out the public. Politics is far too important to be left to politicians alone. It's not al about working for society it's about working with society.