The installment, which appeared on Mansfield Road, has created a stir amongst the student population, with the owner of the machine saying it's one of many he hopes to open around the city in the coming months.

Owner Will Bellamy, co-partner of Investment FX Ltd, said it was one of several vending shops he hopes to open around the city over the coming months.
He told the Nottingham Post: "I feel that Pot Noodle gives people choice and it's not going to change a lot; people can still get a burger or kebab but this gives a bit of choice.
The news was broken by Steven Sheil, Nottingham resident and horror film writer.
In important news for drunk Nottingham people walking home, Mansfield Rd now has it's own Pot Noodle vending machine
— Steven Sheil (@SSheil) July 29, 2015
Unsurprisingly, the news has divided the masses, with many rejoicing in the 24/7 availability of the snack, while others despairing at the state of humanity.
Just found out #nottingham has got a pot noodle vending machine
— Simon Burrows (@_SimonBurrows) August 3, 2015
Pot Noodle vending machine in Nottingham. Finally, Nottingham giving something back to the drunk people
— Josh Ison (@joshison22) August 3, 2015
My mum left me a voicemail 'ring me back it's important'....
It was to say there's a potnoodle vending machine in Nottingham ahahaha
— Naky P (@__NakitaPotter) August 3, 2015
Jesus, is a Pot Noodle vending machine the best thing my city could manage this week?!
— AMY BRITTON (@amyjaybritton) August 3, 2015
@Pot_Noodle machines are coming to the streets of Nottingham what a time to be alive.
— Claire (@LilMissRedDog) August 3, 2015
Nottingham's new 24hr Pot Noodle vending machine. Humanity has pretty much just given up
— robin smith (@RobinAJSmith) August 3, 2015
You stay classy, Nottingham.