In recent days, Abby has declared her preference in the Labour Party leadership race prompting especially cruel comments from people on social media.
Many of these comments make reference to Abby’s age, with people apparently not being able to cope with a 17-year-old with a political viewpoint.
There truly are some rather strange individuals on social media
— Abby Tomlinson (@twcuddleston) August 1, 2015
On Monday, Abby appeared on Sky News to talk about the leadership election with a fellow young activist and a pollster, prompting some vitriolic responses on social media...
.@SkyNewsTonight @twcuddleston
Since when did the political opinion of little girls matter enough to air on the news? Did I miss a meeting?
— Nonjob (@nonjob1) August 3, 2015
@SkyNewsTonight @SkyNews @twcuddleston Who is Abby Tomlinson am I supposed to know or care.
— Scott Davey (@WorldRambler) August 3, 2015
@nonjob1 @SkyNewsTonight @twcuddleston who the fuck is she..?
— roy taylor (@sidrufdiamond) August 3, 2015
@noahandthemango @nonjob1 @twcuddleston What's your favourite colour of Jelly baby should have been the central question here?
— damianslaughter (@druid1111) August 3, 2015
@SkyNewsTonight who cares what @twcuddleston says? She isn't even 18 yet. Talk to her about One Direction & alcopops! FFS!!
— Jon (@Jon64154075) August 3, 2015
@Holbornlolz @SkyNewsTonight @twcuddleston The one thing #AbbyTomlinson has been successful at is proving under 18's shouldn't get to vote
— Stu © (@Stoobie1964) August 3, 2015
Those defending Abby received absurd retorts.
@noahandthemango @nonjob1 @SkyNewsTonight @twcuddleston Slightly more than a 12 year old pubescent girl.
— Ridic Hule (@Dixie34) August 3, 2015
And people were very quick to dismiss her.
@noahandthemango @SkyNewsTonight @twcuddleston "yeah but no yeah like cos he's great hee gosh he's fab know what I mean?"
— Jon (@Jon64154075) August 3, 2015
No idea why Abby Tomlinson gets so much coverage. She started a hashtag. All for youth involvement (obviously) but get people who merit it.
— Elliot Cornish (@ElliotJCornish) August 3, 2015
Abby Tomlinson was evidently savaged with a clichéomiter but soldiered on regardless with her "can't we all be nice" nature. #CommentIsFree
— Kyle W. Orton (@KyleWOrton) August 3, 2015
Others were just mean.
@SkyNewsTonight @SkyNews @twcuddleston she's creepy
— Melindi Scott (@melindiscott) August 3, 2015
But many people did come to her defence, supporting her right to a viewpoint.
The amount of hate Abby Tomlinson gets for being interested in politics is disgusting. Her age doesn't discredit her opinion WHATSOEVER
— Chloe (@chlxeelizabeth) August 3, 2015
@twcuddleston @HPYoungVoices You're entitled to an opinion Abby. NEVER be afraid to share it.
— Alison (@animalalison) August 4, 2015
@Jon64154075 @SkyNewsTonight @twcuddleston oh yes, how sad that young people are taking an interest in politics
— Ruth (@noahandthemango) August 3, 2015
@Holbornlolz I'm a conservative but tbh she does make a good point and one's age is completely irrelevant.
— Aidan Tinsley (@Aidan_Tinsley) August 3, 2015
@_rebekahmay @twcuddleston Don't let them get you down - you are more politically sophisticated than they can ever hope to be.
— Lawson Dauer (@middletonmoaner) August 3, 2015
Read Abby’s latest HuffPost UK blog here.