Of course, you learn heaps of other stuff too...
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe How to solve for X. ✏ pic.twitter.com/sb85OOU0Kd
— Jeff Barrett (@BarrettAll) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe That this was the dress code for guys vs the dress code for girls pic.twitter.com/9Ybh7y70QB
— Exam Problems (@ExamProblems) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe How to systematically manipulate the system, by remembering mundane facts long enough to pass tests.
— Suga Dumplins (@Im_Treasure) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe it would be multi-tasking. You know, the eating-while-the-professor-is-discussing-without-being-caught thing.
— Joyce Ogarte (@idkimjoyce) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe you don't need a weed supplier, you need a zit cream supplier pic.twitter.com/8dDBHHZVge
— Zack Morris (@ZaackMorris) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe 86k in loan debt to become a waiter and work in retail was #WorthIt!
— Jayson Prim (@jaysonprim) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe. Bullies don't always grow put of it they become internet trolls pic.twitter.com/6otmSL8GOe
— The Last Pirate inLA (@BONNIELYNN2015) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe how to draw really good.
#MondayMotivation pic.twitter.com/NzbxzB7Dye
— Oliver Age 24 (@OliverAge24) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe There are a lot of bad spellers out there pic.twitter.com/I4xEDJC33N
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe I don't respect authority pic.twitter.com/bNzp6nIaoM
— St Peter (@stpeteyontweety) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe the length of the skirt is way more important than the education they teach
— fb or i unfollow (@NoChillLoser) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe how to use drugs
— Friedrice Nietzsche (@tinynietzsche) August 3, 2015
that having your top button done up is way more important than your actual education
— School Memories (@SecondarySchooI) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe never to trust a teacher when they said you could be on in the next game of Heads Down Thumbs Up
— Primary School Probs (@PrimarySklProbs) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe to be nice to the mean kids. They will be preparing your food at McDonald's someday.
— Charley Kaye (@charley_ck14) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two angles and that's no use to me.
— Sean O Farrell (@sofarrsogud) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe : Pythagoras' theorem and I've no idea what to do with this stuff in real life pic.twitter.com/iAKIGiUlcg
— ✨Twittterati ✨ (@URcrazytweeple) August 3, 2015
#IfAnythingSchoolTaughtMe it was that tracing your parents signature was way easier than bringing things to them to sign.
— David Bell (@BellDavidC) August 3, 2015