A teenage YouTube vlogger has admitted filming himself jumping off tower bridge was his "stupidest idea to date," and said he is lucky to be alive.
Shah Faisal Shinwari, who vlogs under the account "Carnage", decided to jump into the Thames to "cure" his fear of heights.
"It originally was a dare from one of my subscribers, and I attempted it as I like doing crazy shit," he explained underneath the videoThis was later very regretted by me and i realised it was the stupidest idea ever."
Shinwari vaults over the bridge into the Thames
Shinwari had to receive emergency attention from lifeboat rescuers, who pumped the water out of his lungs and stomach. The 17-year-old was taken to hospital, and was treated for exhaustion and an infection he caught from swallowing the river water.
"My belly hurt so much," he told the Evening Standard. "I had so much water in my lungs, and I swallowed so much. I think it was the dumbest idea I've ever had.
"When I dropped into the water, I couldn't breathe. The current was carrying me down the river. I was shouting to my mates: 'Help! Help!'
The teen resurfaces in the murky water
"It was low tide but I thought 'low tide' meant low current, which is even more stupid. If I'd jumped properly my leg would be broken and I would have died.
"I got lucky that I survived. It's not worth risking your life for a stupid dare. It was really dangerous."
A spokesperson for the RNLI said: "As a lifesaving organisation that works on the Thames, we are extremely disappointed this young man chose to risk his life in this way.
"He was extremely lucky the outcome wasn't more serious.
"We're glad this young man regrets his actions, but we would strongly discourage anyone from doing anything like this. Jumping into the Thames from a bridge is extremely dangerous.
"The shock of cold water can make it very difficult to swim and strong currents can rapidly sweep people away."
The performing arts student is attended to by medics
Shinwari has been widely berated for the video, with comments under his YouTube page reading: "What an utter waste of resources", "I'm upset I have to share oxygen with people like you," and "People like you should be billed everything it costs to rescue you. I wouldn't do it personally. I'd leave you. Parents will be so proud of you. Maybe get a real job instead of acting around like a 5 year old."
Shah Faisal Shinwari, who vlogs under the account "Carnage", decided to jump into the Thames to "cure" his fear of heights.
"It originally was a dare from one of my subscribers, and I attempted it as I like doing crazy shit," he explained underneath the videoThis was later very regretted by me and i realised it was the stupidest idea ever."

Shinwari had to receive emergency attention from lifeboat rescuers, who pumped the water out of his lungs and stomach. The 17-year-old was taken to hospital, and was treated for exhaustion and an infection he caught from swallowing the river water.
This was my stupidest video idea to date and it will never happen again, I promise.
— Shah Faisal Shinwari (@SFaisalShinwari) July 24, 2015
"My belly hurt so much," he told the Evening Standard. "I had so much water in my lungs, and I swallowed so much. I think it was the dumbest idea I've ever had.
"When I dropped into the water, I couldn't breathe. The current was carrying me down the river. I was shouting to my mates: 'Help! Help!'

"It was low tide but I thought 'low tide' meant low current, which is even more stupid. If I'd jumped properly my leg would be broken and I would have died.
"I got lucky that I survived. It's not worth risking your life for a stupid dare. It was really dangerous."
You may have seen a video of someone jumping off Tower Bridge, clearly not a good idea - just watch how fast the river flows @MPSonthewater
— MPS Specials (@MPSSpecials) July 24, 2015
A spokesperson for the RNLI said: "As a lifesaving organisation that works on the Thames, we are extremely disappointed this young man chose to risk his life in this way.
"He was extremely lucky the outcome wasn't more serious.
"We're glad this young man regrets his actions, but we would strongly discourage anyone from doing anything like this. Jumping into the Thames from a bridge is extremely dangerous.
"The shock of cold water can make it very difficult to swim and strong currents can rapidly sweep people away."

Shinwari has been widely berated for the video, with comments under his YouTube page reading: "What an utter waste of resources", "I'm upset I have to share oxygen with people like you," and "People like you should be billed everything it costs to rescue you. I wouldn't do it personally. I'd leave you. Parents will be so proud of you. Maybe get a real job instead of acting around like a 5 year old."