"When people don't vote, they get marginalised and forgotten about," BBC Three's Rick Edwards told us last week.
The former T4 frontman is on a mission to motivate the country into voting in May's general elections - even if they don't actually want to vote.
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"I think it's entirely legitimate to feel like you don't want to vote for any of the parties," he told us. "I think there should be a none of the above option, which I talk about [in his new book, None of the Above], but in the meantime spoiling your ballot at least says: 'I want to make my voice heard, to vote, to be involved, it's just none of you are representing me enough.'"
You can buy the book here, but luckily Rick's also summed up why you should vote in a two minute video, exclusively for HuffPost UK.
The former T4 frontman is on a mission to motivate the country into voting in May's general elections - even if they don't actually want to vote.
Read More:
- Why Is The Green Party So Successful Among Youths?
- Meet The Young People Voting Tory
- The Definitive Guide On How To Register To Vote Online And Feel Awesome While Doing It
- 'All I Want For The Election Is Free Education'. What Students *Really* Want From Our Next Government
- Ed Miliband Blogs: This May, the Stakes for Britain's Young People Could Not Be Higher - Let's Make Sure Their Voice Is Heard
"I think it's entirely legitimate to feel like you don't want to vote for any of the parties," he told us. "I think there should be a none of the above option, which I talk about [in his new book, None of the Above], but in the meantime spoiling your ballot at least says: 'I want to make my voice heard, to vote, to be involved, it's just none of you are representing me enough.'"
You can buy the book here, but luckily Rick's also summed up why you should vote in a two minute video, exclusively for HuffPost UK.