Bibles could be removed from student halls at Aberystwyth University after more than half of students said they found the presence of the holy book "unacceptable" or "uncomfortable".
A proposal to have the bibles withdrawn will be put forward at the university's student union council later this month, following the results of a survey conducted by the SU.
Only 4% of students said the inclusion of bibles was a "good idea". Student John David Morgan first highlighted the issue last month, where he said the Bible's were "inappropriate in a multicultural university".
"It could be offensive for some, and the university should provide a safe space for students to explore and develop their beliefs in a neutral environment," the Daily Mail reported Morgan saying. "Bibles should, however, still be available for those who wish to have them."
Jessica Hearne, a Christian student at Aberystwyth, told student website the Tab: "I think it’s disgusting for a free Bible in your room to be deemed ‘inappropriate’. Although we’re being called a ‘multicultural environment’, we are and have been for a long time, a Christian country.
"It offends me that the religious text of my country is being called inappropriate in its own country.
"Practising your own religion is completely fine, but accepting the religion of the area you live in as the norm is also important."
A spokesman for The Christian Institute said: "It is hard to imagine how a person could actually be offended by a Bible simply being in their room.
"The Gideons have been supplying Bibles free of charge for over a century now, providing support and encouragement for Christians and non-Christians alike.
"Banning the Bible because some people might be uncomfortable with it would be a huge overreaction."
Last year Travelodge sparked an uproar after removing bibles from all of its rooms, a decision which was criticised by the Church of England as "tragic and bizarre".
The university said it would review the situation, pending on the SU vote.
A proposal to have the bibles withdrawn will be put forward at the university's student union council later this month, following the results of a survey conducted by the SU.
Only 4% of students said the inclusion of bibles was a "good idea". Student John David Morgan first highlighted the issue last month, where he said the Bible's were "inappropriate in a multicultural university".
"It could be offensive for some, and the university should provide a safe space for students to explore and develop their beliefs in a neutral environment," the Daily Mail reported Morgan saying. "Bibles should, however, still be available for those who wish to have them."
Jessica Hearne, a Christian student at Aberystwyth, told student website the Tab: "I think it’s disgusting for a free Bible in your room to be deemed ‘inappropriate’. Although we’re being called a ‘multicultural environment’, we are and have been for a long time, a Christian country.
"It offends me that the religious text of my country is being called inappropriate in its own country.
"Practising your own religion is completely fine, but accepting the religion of the area you live in as the norm is also important."
A spokesman for The Christian Institute said: "It is hard to imagine how a person could actually be offended by a Bible simply being in their room.
"The Gideons have been supplying Bibles free of charge for over a century now, providing support and encouragement for Christians and non-Christians alike.
"Banning the Bible because some people might be uncomfortable with it would be a huge overreaction."
Last year Travelodge sparked an uproar after removing bibles from all of its rooms, a decision which was criticised by the Church of England as "tragic and bizarre".
The university said it would review the situation, pending on the SU vote.