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Five Things It's Okay for Twenty-Somethings to Not Care About In 2015

So 2015 is here, and like every year, a good majority of us feel utterly compelled to suddenly change our appearance, behaviour or habits (often being the same inclinations as last year that you just didn't quite get around to actually actioning). But there are some things in life it's fine to stick two fingers up to, because otherwise, what is the point in your twenties?

I still hear an incessant 'nag' in people's voices when they believe they're giving me advice about how I should "do things this way", "be more forward-thinking" and my favourite: "look after your nails." I haven't crossed that ultimate threshold of maturity just yet. I do comprehend the concept of consequence; but if we were all so astute and aware about future consequences, we'd never try new things, experience late night euphoria, embark upon life changing adventures or experience biting our nails.

So if you're feeling pressured to start acting your age in 2015, here's a friendly reminder about some stuff that it's completely and utterly okay to not care about - until you're 30 anyway.

1. Late nights, early mornings

I think we all need to agree this will be constant throughout our life, and will most likely become our lifestyle choice as we hit the silver years, when going to bed at midnight and waking at 5am to bake, go to the post office and buy luncheon ingredients is the absolute norm. But it's okay if you want to spend your weekday nights partaking in classic pub quizzes, or aimlessly surfing the net until the early hours watching videos about cats and bacon. Bags under your eyes take some time to develop, so let your future self deal with it.

2. Being in your dream career

Vera Wang didn't start designing wedding gowns until she was 40, and J.K Rowling was 32 when the first Harry Potter book was published. Yes, there are great success stories that involve people as young as an embryo, but you shouldn't compare yourself to these rarities. And that's not to mean that you're not rare, special and unique etc but if you're not ready to write that screenplay or you don't feel confident enough to record your own music, then it's okay. As long as you're thinking about it and it's there in your peripheral mind, don't worry. Whack on another episode of whatever is current right now - it could be the inspiration you need.

3. Being in a perfect relationship

Okay, it may seem as though everyone around you including your nan is posting their dreamy engagement photos on Facebook or gushing about the news of their first baby, but love isn't a case of 'I'ma get me some of that!'. We all go through heartbreak - the demise of my relationship occurred on new year's day, wahey - but other doors will open, perhaps in the form of something else like travel, new friends or a hobby. Saying that though, if you do make it your mission - albeit a mad woman one - to find your soulmate this year, don't be disheartened if he or she does turn out to be less than adequate. They aren't to know that they have to be the one or else it's all over. Bless. Calm down, let them go gently and embrace still having the opportunity to explore different people and figure out what values you seek in others. And be thankful you're not changing nappies yet. Ew.

4. Fulfilling your bucket list

Heck, I haven't even created one (although I did think about it as a possible new year's resolution but then thought: nah). However we all have some objectives and goals in mind, whether it's travelling to Asia, taking up yoga or volunteering at the local dogs home - but you don't have to achieve all of them in 2015. There will be 2016 next year - I know, you heard it here first. So remember; your bucket list will be on Earth right up until the last minute you are - hence its origins from the somewhat dark idiom 'to kick the bucket.'

5. Making mistakes

This one kind of applies to anybody, but the mistakes you make in your twenties are easier to rectify than ones you may make further down the line. Have you been with the wrong person for a number of years? It's okay as you've got a good number of years to put everything right. Quit your job in pursuit of something that didn't quite go to plan? It's fine because you most likely learnt a few things along the way and you have the time to rebuild that part of your life. From what I've heard off of older, worldly people, I've found that your twenties is a decade you could potentially afford to piss into a can. They're like SATs (those tests at the end of primary school. Were they even called SATs? Who knows). It feels like you should put your entire soul into it at the time but looking back, they were as important as Josie Cunningham.

There's so much pressure for young adults to make something of themselves, especially with the likes of Youtube where we can be made to feel inadequate because even children as young as five seem to be doing more with their life than we ever will. But don't get too carried away on the 2015 'new year, new me' bandwagon, overwhelming yourself with doubt and anxiety about what you're actually going to do with your existence. You can always jump on the next one in about 350 days anyway.

So continue watching Netflix until the early hours, set time aside to do things that inspire you and learn from all the mistakes you're inevitably going to make this year.

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