Lad culture has gone from quietly pervading every square inch of campus life to being called out, tackled and shot down - all in a relatively short space of time.
Far from it just being the problem of student unions, universities are now taking active steps to crack down on sexism and misogyny, perhaps thanks to the National Union of Students' "That's What She Said" report in 2013.
Student Feminism: Refining the Blurred Lines In 2014
According to NUS research, one in seven students are the victims of sexual assault or violence, and one in four have suffered unwelcome sexual advances classed as inappropriate touching or groping, according to NUS research.
Nor should it be seen as a war against men; many males have joined in the fight to expel discrimination against women.
The work to make campuses a safe space for females is far from over, but the efforts of institutions to stamp out lad culture should be applauded, as it signals a shift in attitudes towards taking the issue seriously.
Far from it just being the problem of student unions, universities are now taking active steps to crack down on sexism and misogyny, perhaps thanks to the National Union of Students' "That's What She Said" report in 2013.
Student Feminism: Refining the Blurred Lines In 2014
According to NUS research, one in seven students are the victims of sexual assault or violence, and one in four have suffered unwelcome sexual advances classed as inappropriate touching or groping, according to NUS research.
Nor should it be seen as a war against men; many males have joined in the fight to expel discrimination against women.
The work to make campuses a safe space for females is far from over, but the efforts of institutions to stamp out lad culture should be applauded, as it signals a shift in attitudes towards taking the issue seriously.