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Student Activism Is Run By Selfish Lefties - Shocker?

If I would ever run for a position at a student group, the president of a student union for instance, without a doubt, the platform would unpardonably consist of anti-political correctness, anti-union despotism, and it would include a smirky message such as "working for student interests." Surely, within minutes my candidacy would be depicted as a joke and just mind-blowing to the majority. Winning couldn't be an option because "oh how dare he!" On the bright side, I would know a rough number of people who still have at least a tiny drop of intelligence.

Every single time a certain student group commits an act of stupidity I'm hearing an amazement from commentators. As an example, NUS (National Union of Students) failure to condemn the Islamic State, Oxford University union's success in silencing abortion debate on ridiculous and paranoid grounds, banning societies they don't agree with, boycotting all Israeli products (including Intel, hopefully, so now they can throw away their MacBook Pros) always comes as a surprise - no learning curve at all. It's indeed a wishful thinking that, this time most definitely, reason will kick through the doors of ignorance of student activism and the right thing will occur. Why can't we just honestly agree that student unions with all the spare groups of mess they produce are beyond repair, therefore bizarre decisions should be just as shocking as the stance on abortion by the dress-wearing pious virgins?

The fact is that maddening fatuous narcissist left wing zealots run student unions, societies, groups, and the whole activism complex. For them, the primary duty isn't to represent students' interests, rather contrary, it's to ensure that their interests are in tact since it's "for the greater good." Don't get me wrong, all student activists might be silently thinking about global Bolshevik revolution where they, obviously, would be the leaders together with the inquisitor Russell Brand, but in the meantime, they quite like the idea of capitalism, especially when their continuing debauchery could land them a cosy career in sectors of the economy where isn't much necessity to work usefully and contribute.

I've tried relentlessly to gather information how often do student representatives after their political honeymoon at universities go to work in the public sector or any other politically left organisation, for instance Labour Party or trade unions. All my requests bounced off, however, it's possible to look at the past NUS presidents and their future careers. Since 1975, the year we can actually check without much digging, three quarters of past officials went to work either for Labour Party, leftist NGOs or pressure groups, while it's known that one quarter of them went to work directly for, the home of grown-up student activism, trade unions.

I wouldn't be stunned at all if by including all the students who participate in student activities into the statistics, we would get a colossal figure and a proof that those groups, which act for the sake of social justice - or for other jargon of your like, is just a recruitment pool for the left and a ladder for nothing-better-to-do people. These students, unfortunately I ought say, are the dull soviet collective farm type of mass who just tries to whisper the right keywords to the ear of the elite with a hope that it will hear and reward them by throwing something in return, be it an unimportant seat in dominantly-red council or a job at a trade union. All they have to do is unscrupulously repeat the chant, "feminism; inequality; social justice; pacifism; diversity and multiculturalism" and try to make a name as a loyal comrade.

For commanding heights-aiming ones, the way to feel the grace of the elite is by barbarously trampling on free speech, calling offensive everyone who doesn't agree with the "progressive" ideas of theirs, simulating an university-wide nanny-state, and indulging trade unionism. No wonder we haven't ever heard a student union openly opposing industrial action. Why would they rally against the hand that may feed later?

But I do have an idea where such urge for conformist lifestyle comes from. When student activists aren't making a pimply political statements, their tenure is indeed a worthless pile of twaddle and skills they acquire are in equal regard to a level 1 hygiene rating-scoring café barista's. Events organisation, bar openings, and party planning - all this is a middle school nonsense everyone all thought it could be avoided at university level due to the nub of mythical "maturity." You wish. If there's at least one vacant position, no matter how unimportant, dear activist lefties will occupy it and suck the dead thing out of it. The same graduates for that reason yearn to be employed in the public sector, which is notoriously being the number one ambition they hold, as the sector is ideal for the people with tender interest in tinkering with irrelevancy.

As masochistically it might sound, this doesn't mean that we should eradicate all this leftist nonsense. Let them play in the sandbox, alienate as many students as possible, and incestuously breed new red Eds within each other who will be incompetent for the rest of their lives at virtually everything. Frankly, I can sleep at night much better once I agree that they're just a herd of narcissist inane selfish confused little people. Try it yourself.

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