Photographers around the country have been visiting schools and snapping girls leaping into the air with such determination you'd think that the height they reach directly correlates to those sought-after A* grades.
Many newspapers stayed faithful to the hallowed tradition of the obligatory jumping photo this morning, making it appear that thousands of teenagers were simultaneously rising several inches off the ground after receiving their results, or at least waving pieces of paper around in uncontrollable glee.
Luckily, the people of Twitter had other ideas. We present our own list of alternative results photos - ranging from the bizarre to the sardonic, and also including two Game of Thrones references. One Direction also added a spoof picture to the conversation.
Results day can go 1 of 3 ways... #alevelresults
— LADHumour (@LadHumour) August 14, 2014
Congratulations to @onedirection on receiving their #alevelresults today!
— Deezer Ireland (@DeezerIreland) August 14, 2014
— GameOfThrones Reacts (@GameThroneReact) August 14, 2014
If it didn't go well, not to worry... #ALevelResults #SnoddenShow
— Cool FM (@officialcoolfm) August 14, 2014
Important guidelines released for the media on #ALevelResults day: via @TheMediaTweets
— Claire Lotriet (@OhLottie) August 14, 2014
''May the grade boundaries be forever in your favour'' #alevelresults
— Behlul™ (@behlul_official) August 12, 2014
Good luck to everyone receiving their #alevelresults today (not just in your results, in general)
— Ben Jennings (@BJennings90) August 14, 2014
Good Luck to all receiving their AL results today ;-) The #nutnation is with you! :-D #orangeforlife #alevelresults
— Nuts 'N More UK (@nutsnmoreUK) August 14, 2014
*Checks UCAS* #alevelresults
— UCAS Online (@UCAS_Not) August 14, 2014
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