Yes, Michael Gove is no longer the Education Secretary - moved, as he was, to the office of Chief Whip by David Cameron in today's cabinet reshuffle.
And Twitter, naturally, had a field day. From pictures to one-liners, here were some of our favourite funny reactions to the news...
students react to #govegone
— Kates Bush (@katesbush) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove is upset. He's just come out of No.10's stationery cupboard with his underpants on his head. #reshuffle
— beaubodor (@beaubodor) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove has taken the news well.
— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) July 15, 2014
My cartoon - government sources insist Michael Gove has not been demoted
— Martin Shovel (@MartinShovel) July 15, 2014
Pupils and staff react to news of Michael Gove's demotion.
— Denis Skinner (@BolsoverBeast) July 15, 2014
I was saving this baby for a special occasion. I think tonight's the night! #GoveGone
— Joey The Don (@TeamNJDon) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove tries to sneak quietly out the back door of Downing Street
— Elliot Wagland (@elliotwagland) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove is out. Brilliant. That'll teach him.
— Bennett Arron (@BennettArron) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove has been reshuffled out of the Education job and into the Proclaimers
— Michael Hogan (@michaelhogan) July 15, 2014
I hope Michael Gove remembered to put his chair on his desk for the cleaner before he left.
— Michael Legge (@michaellegge) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove's one remarkable achievement was to be the most unpopular minister in a cabinet that contained George Osborne and Jeremy Hunt.
— Pete Sinclair (@pete_sinclair) July 15, 2014
Goodbye Michael Gove. I have only ever met two people that liked you: Alexander Armstrong and a woman who was setting up a free school.
— Josie Long (@JosieLong) July 15, 2014
Cabinet reshuffle predictions:
Jeremy Hunt - Potions
Michael Gove - Defence against the dark arts
Nick Clegg - Muggle studies
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) July 14, 2014
Michael Gove is highly qualified to be chief whip, as he owns an Indiana Jones DVD and once saw a lion tamer at the circus. #reshuffle
— Dean Burnett (@garwboy) July 15, 2014
Ridiculous that Michael Gove has been moved from Education Secretary to Most Influential Artist in Black and Urban Music.
— Mat (@MatCro) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove. Like Keith Joseph without the easy charm.
— Louis Barfe (@LFBarfe) July 15, 2014
Now a 30 feet tall Michael Gove is rampaging through Central London. It looks like he's heading for the Shard.
— Dave Turner (@mrdaveturner) July 15, 2014
That hissing sound you can hear is millions of teachers and parents breathing sigh of relief. #Gove
— The Dulwich Raider (@DulwichRaider) July 15, 2014
No. 10 confirms sacked Education Secretary Michael Gove will not be a full member of the Cabinet. So he's basically just a Supply Minister.
— John O'Farrell (@mrjohnofarrell) July 15, 2014
Michael Gove. You either loathe him or you hate him.
— Nick Harvey (@mrnickharvey) July 15, 2014
So Michael Gove is now the British equivalent of Frank Underwood? Well that's House of Cards ruined.
— Nick Holden (@nhldn) July 15, 2014
Yep, sorry about that...