Your first student loan instalment has just landed in your bank account. You've never seen so much money in your life and your balance has never looked so healthy.
But beware - although this mammoth chunk of money may look pretty, it's there for a reason, and not to fund your latest Urban Outfitters spending spree (as tempting as that may be).
But if you've never lived away from home, paid your own bills or done your own food shopping, it can be kinda intimidating having to work out how to budget for so many necessities which you previously never even knew existed.
That's why, together with Middlesex University, we've brought you the ultimate infographic on student budgeting. Forget buying this season's onesie, there's a better feeling than looking like the coolest kid on campus - and that's knowing you don't have to stress about how you're going to foot the next water bill.
For more money tips, head over to our Student Money section.
But beware - although this mammoth chunk of money may look pretty, it's there for a reason, and not to fund your latest Urban Outfitters spending spree (as tempting as that may be).
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But if you've never lived away from home, paid your own bills or done your own food shopping, it can be kinda intimidating having to work out how to budget for so many necessities which you previously never even knew existed.

That's why, together with Middlesex University, we've brought you the ultimate infographic on student budgeting. Forget buying this season's onesie, there's a better feeling than looking like the coolest kid on campus - and that's knowing you don't have to stress about how you're going to foot the next water bill.
For more money tips, head over to our Student Money section.