When people approach me over their Mental Health, I often ask them to find the problem or driving reason behind why they feel the way they do. There usually is a reason and a trigger that has caused their depression, anxiety, paranoia or other related Mental Health conditions and it is important that their individual reasons are understood, because the problem could be influencing struggle or problems, which could be reduced with a 'friendly chat' or support, and this is what I offer on my own support website, beatdepressiontogether.webeden.co.uk ... and have now written a book called 'Teenage Depression Versus Me' available here: https://britainsnextbestseller.co.uk/index.php/book/index/TeenageDepressionVersusMe
Having depression myself, I know how it feels to feel isolated, alone and like nobody understands and sometimes this can feel like this case, however the good news is more people are coming forward to share their stories with Mental Health and this week, Mental Health Awareness Week has proved that, I have been ever so glad!
And is this justifiable? Is this welcome? No! Not at all. Lives are being put at risk because of cutbacks and the government is continuing to do so. They have not accepted the need to put Mental Health on the curriculum despite petitions urging them to do so, so why aren't they listening? I mean they focus on the NHS, yet leave out Mental Health, which has just as much impact on a person as those who are disabled, except you cannot always see Mental Health.
But, despite the Government's failure to help more sufferers with Mental Health, despite them claiming they do, Mental Health Awareness Week to me, shows us all that each individual with Mental Health requires different support, coping strategies and understanding and not just to be placed on a waiting list, which is becoming harder to get onto in the first place! I am appalled with our government for making it harder to access NHS counselling due to cutbacks and even making it harder for those most vulnerable to get medical attention. Sometimes those with Mental Health do not feel they have 6 minutes left, let alone 6 months. It is a sad realisation which is failed to be understood. Mental Health affects everybody differently and those with it, like I, will know what I mean when I say that.
#Mentalhealthawarenessweek has been trending with that hashtag on Twitter, many charities like Time to Change, Kaleidoscope Plus and many more are taking part, inviting others of to help them through understanding and retweeting their 'good cause tweet'. I find this hugely helpful, understanding is being provided and the theme this week, is anxiety which again isn't always understood or appreciated. The Government should take a look at how many schools fail students through not understanding them, as well as how many students and adults are not provided the care they so badly need access for, before continuing with their cutbacks which are costing lives.
Here are some of the tweets for #Mentalhealthawarenessweek
Kaleidoscope Plus @Kaleidoscope_PG
#Anxiety is treatable, and the vast majority of people with an anxiety can be helped with professional care #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
My blog: http://www.reliefromanxiety.blogspot.com
Follow me on bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/reliefromanxiety ... (or via google/email!)
Email: reliefromanxiety@gmail.com
Chris Lambert @lamb_chris1
I Started a Petition 4 MentalHealth taught in School PLEASE SIGN&SUPPORT #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/david-cameron-teach-mental-health-in-schools ...
HuffPostUKStudents @HPUKStudents
Students are more prone to anxiety than any other group http://huff.to/1iLS6QC #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
Time to Change @TimetoChange
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week & the theme is #anxiety. Read our blogs about anxiety & learn more: http://www.time-to-change.org.uk/category/blog/anxiety ... #MHAW14
Matt Clifton@mattcliffy25
Teenage Depression Versus Me http://shar.es/SBm98 #mentalhealthawarenessweek #depression #anxiety
Kerry Peppiatt :) @KerryPEP 3m
#mentalhealthawarenessweek Please let's stop the #STIGMA of mental health. At some point in our lives, 1 in 3 suffer. TALK about it RT x
I signed a petition today actually, to get schools to teach Mental Health, (please sign it: http://t.co/G0ryNhPsIs @MindFullUK ) it is important that all schools do this and all teachers get trained with Mental Health, why shouldn't they be made to understand it? The condition affects 1 in 3 of us after-all, and if my school teachers in secondary school understood, maybe I would have been better treated and not bullied.
And continue to not be listened to, so the message is clear...if you know somebody with Mental Health, help them, and don't ignore them! Make them feel involved and included, not excluded and alone. It may take a while for their problem or problems to be shared, but the importance of you being there for them is paramount, it would mean so much. Let's get the understanding of Mental Health into the community, make it a core subject for schools and get the waiting lists back to acceptable referrals, 6 months is not acceptable or is the stigma that comes with Mental Health!
Having depression myself, I know how it feels to feel isolated, alone and like nobody understands and sometimes this can feel like this case, however the good news is more people are coming forward to share their stories with Mental Health and this week, Mental Health Awareness Week has proved that, I have been ever so glad!
"HUNDREDS of people with severe mental health problems are waiting more than a year for counselling, in an "absolutely shocking situation" which an expert warns is likely to cost lives."
And is this justifiable? Is this welcome? No! Not at all. Lives are being put at risk because of cutbacks and the government is continuing to do so. They have not accepted the need to put Mental Health on the curriculum despite petitions urging them to do so, so why aren't they listening? I mean they focus on the NHS, yet leave out Mental Health, which has just as much impact on a person as those who are disabled, except you cannot always see Mental Health.
But, despite the Government's failure to help more sufferers with Mental Health, despite them claiming they do, Mental Health Awareness Week to me, shows us all that each individual with Mental Health requires different support, coping strategies and understanding and not just to be placed on a waiting list, which is becoming harder to get onto in the first place! I am appalled with our government for making it harder to access NHS counselling due to cutbacks and even making it harder for those most vulnerable to get medical attention. Sometimes those with Mental Health do not feel they have 6 minutes left, let alone 6 months. It is a sad realisation which is failed to be understood. Mental Health affects everybody differently and those with it, like I, will know what I mean when I say that.
#Mentalhealthawarenessweek has been trending with that hashtag on Twitter, many charities like Time to Change, Kaleidoscope Plus and many more are taking part, inviting others of to help them through understanding and retweeting their 'good cause tweet'. I find this hugely helpful, understanding is being provided and the theme this week, is anxiety which again isn't always understood or appreciated. The Government should take a look at how many schools fail students through not understanding them, as well as how many students and adults are not provided the care they so badly need access for, before continuing with their cutbacks which are costing lives.
Here are some of the tweets for #Mentalhealthawarenessweek
Kaleidoscope Plus @Kaleidoscope_PG
#Anxiety is treatable, and the vast majority of people with an anxiety can be helped with professional care #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
My blog: http://www.reliefromanxiety.blogspot.com
Follow me on bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/reliefromanxiety ... (or via google/email!)
Email: reliefromanxiety@gmail.com
Chris Lambert @lamb_chris1
I Started a Petition 4 MentalHealth taught in School PLEASE SIGN&SUPPORT #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/david-cameron-teach-mental-health-in-schools ...
HuffPostUKStudents @HPUKStudents
Students are more prone to anxiety than any other group http://huff.to/1iLS6QC #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
Time to Change @TimetoChange
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week & the theme is #anxiety. Read our blogs about anxiety & learn more: http://www.time-to-change.org.uk/category/blog/anxiety ... #MHAW14
Matt Clifton@mattcliffy25
Teenage Depression Versus Me http://shar.es/SBm98 #mentalhealthawarenessweek #depression #anxiety
Kerry Peppiatt :) @KerryPEP 3m
#mentalhealthawarenessweek Please let's stop the #STIGMA of mental health. At some point in our lives, 1 in 3 suffer. TALK about it RT x
I signed a petition today actually, to get schools to teach Mental Health, (please sign it: http://t.co/G0ryNhPsIs @MindFullUK ) it is important that all schools do this and all teachers get trained with Mental Health, why shouldn't they be made to understand it? The condition affects 1 in 3 of us after-all, and if my school teachers in secondary school understood, maybe I would have been better treated and not bullied.
"People have expressed anger, disbelief and despair. People don't know where to go to. For someone who is very unwell and in crisis, they can't comprehend it."
And continue to not be listened to, so the message is clear...if you know somebody with Mental Health, help them, and don't ignore them! Make them feel involved and included, not excluded and alone. It may take a while for their problem or problems to be shared, but the importance of you being there for them is paramount, it would mean so much. Let's get the understanding of Mental Health into the community, make it a core subject for schools and get the waiting lists back to acceptable referrals, 6 months is not acceptable or is the stigma that comes with Mental Health!